Down to Earth

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It was different carrying this young woman's body through the sky. Usually, I flew alone, I was not accustomed to carrying a passenger with me. Yet I am not complaining. Her eyes shone with curiosity and excitement at the discovery of the world beyond God's precious garden. Seeing her reactions to new things really painted this world differently. Did I look like that when I first flew?

We touched down to earth in the Garden of Eden. It was dark and fireflies were dancing around us. Her arm lingered around my neck as we gazed into each other's eyes. The moonlight softened her appearance. At the same time, the darkness made her even more desirable. Her hand softly cups my face, and I cannot look away from this lunar beauty. I was tempted to not only kiss her but be more intimate with her. Instead I restrained myself to see what she wanted to do.

"Sam" she breathed.

I nearly lost my self control when someone stepped out of the foliage and called out to us, "Lilith, Sam you're back! I was worried about..."

He stopped in his tracks, "Uhh am I interrupting something?"

We immediately broke apart, Lilith started nervously denying, "No Sam was just helping me down after flying."

Adam's facial expression turned smug, "Oh? From here he looks like he was helping you get a ki-"

Adam was cut off by Lilith stubbornly covering his mouth. Definitely more like siblings than a couple.

"I have to leave for now, I'll see you both tomorrow." I took off to the skies, unable to withstand my own embarrassment at being caught. Caught doing what exactly?


When I touched back down to the angel headquarters, Michael was there to see me.

He spoke before I could question, "We need to talk."

I stood up and followed him to a more secluded part of the headquarters. He stopped and glared back at me. 

"What do you think you are doing with Lilith?" He practically demanded.

I stood my ground as I answered, "I am doing nothing. Just trying to match her up with Adam."

"Bullshit! I was patrolling today and saw you two flying. Mind explaining how that is going to help her be attracted to Adam?"

"She wanted to know what it was like to fly and I obliged her. It meant nothing." I lied.

Michael softened to what could be described as disappointment, "Samael, I classify you as one of our most capable archangels. I respect you in regard to how you do God's work. I don't want to see another one of us fall like Lucifer did..."

He hadn't spoken Lucifer's name since the rebellion. Lucifer was the brightest among us, one of God's favorite creations. Now Lucifer is referred to by his new name: Satan. But he showed us that even us angels were infallible. Even we were not safe from sin.  

I placed my hands on my fellow brother's shoulders, "I know you're worried but I'm not going to fall to sin. I will create some distance between me and Lilith if that would ease you of your worries."

I don't always agree with how aggressive he is about following God's orders but I fought alongside him, he was my brother in arms when the rebellion broke out. We have seen our friends and idols fall and become a new race called demons. These traumas bonded the remaining archangels together.

Michael spoke at last, "I know Lilith is beautiful and bewitching in her own way. But I need you to be strong. I don't want to lose another angel."

"I know and I'll work to put distance between me and Lilith while I try to get her and Adam together." I spoke softly.

Michael pats my hand softly, "That's all I ask and thank you."

We barely know each other, how hard could it be? But my heart still ached for the free spirited, beautiful Lilith.

Fall of Lilith and Samael (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now