chapter twelve: new things

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No one's pov

"What do you mean by her parents?" Alois asked "her real parents." Ben sounded as if he tasted something bitter. "Why don't we just go to this world and ask them to take us home?" Ciel asked

Ben shakes his head "I can't it takes a lot of energy and even if I could her parents aren't really fond of me at the moment." Ben starts to leave "and why is that?" Ciel asked more persistently than before. "That's a long story for another day."

A yawn came from behind the guys. "Did I miss another one of Ben's famous stories?" Y/n asked the guys instantly turned to face her. "Your up early." Ben said "I was just about to get dinner started." Ben starts walking to kitchen. "Damm I didn't think you would be disappointed to see me. It's the bed head isn't it?" Y/n asked jokingly.

Y/n pov

Wow the air feels...wierd. "so what's for dinner?" I asked walking in the kitchen. "Just some frozen pizza and fries." Ben Said preheating the oven. I nod in approval. "What kind of food is that?" Alois asked "the best food combo ever." I said "just you wait you'll see."

Dinner time

The table was set and ben was coming in with our food. "So what do you think?" Ciel just looks at the meal like a toddler looks at a piece of broccoli. "It's definitely different." Grell said picking at it. "How do we even eat this?" Alois asked "good question you eat it with your hands of course." I pick up my pizza and take a big bite of the tip.

"I'd rather not get my hands dirty." Ciel said lifting up his knife and fork. "Do you at least want some ketchup for your fries?" I grab the bottle Ciel nods yes and takes it. "I still don't know about it." Alois said slightly picking up the pizza. "Well that's a shame because none of you are leaving this table until all the food on your plates are gone." I gave a closed eyed smile.

"You can't make us eat this!" Alois yelled "your right." Everyone at the table stood up and started getting ready to leave. "B...But what kind of gentleman just leaves a poor girl to eat by herself." I whine and sniffle for dramatic effects. Ciel rolled his eyes. "Fine, but I'm not eating the whole thing."

"That's fine I'm kind of protective when it comes to pizza anyway." I immediately snap back into my normal mood. They each took a bite "it's not as bad as I thought." Ciel said as he bit another piece. "I told you that you'd like it."

Time skip

"Good night guy's!" I close my door. I go to check my phone and before I could even touch it *buzz* *buzz* "I'm tired of this." I shut down my phone for the night. I lay in my bed and drift off to sleep.

Time skip

"Where am I" I hear a baby crying over a strom and...a man and a woman talking. "Look...look at...her." is the woman Ponting at me? Why is it hard to breathe? The woman pointed at me and shouted "Look!"

I spring up gasping for air. "The same dream again?" I check the clock it's three in the morning. I sigh and look out the window to see rain pouring down from the sky and leaves blowing in the wind.

I guess ben went home already. I hop out of bed to go get a glass of water. I try to walk to the kitchen in the dark but bump into something. "Excuses me miss." I look up to see sebastian. "I'm sorry." I jumped "it's fine but if you don't mind me asking why are you up so late?"

"I had a bad dream so I decided to get some water." I started making my way to the kitchen. "Let me take care of that for you." And before I could protest I was already seated at the table with sebastian handing me some water. "Thank you." I take a gulp of water.

A few minutes went by with me and sebastian talking than I heard a large Crash of thunder. I jumped and let out a small yelp. "I guessing you don't like thunder." Sebastian laughed. "Yeah but the funny thing is I used to love storms like this before..." I paused "ever since I started living alone it's just...not the same I guess."

My lips tremble as I let out a sigh. "Sebastian can you sleep with me?" He tilted his head and looked at me. "Not like that!" I said realizing what I just asked. "It's just ben would normally tell me a story and I would fall asleep so fast that I wouldn't even remember it but since he's not here..."

sebastian gets a little laugh from me trying to explain myself. "Of course I will lay with you until you fall asleep." I sigh in relief "thank you for understanding what I meant to say."

No one's pov

Sebastian glanced at the top of the stairs to see golden eyes glaring back at him. "Of course I will with you until you fall asleep." The golden eyes narrowed then faded into the darkness of the hallway.

Time skip

Y/n was asleep and Sebastian tucked her in. She's so vulnerable sebastian thought as he touched forehead. "Shouldn't you go prepare tomorrow?" Claude appears behind sebastian.

"we're not getting jealous now are we?" Sebastian saw that he got under claude's skin. Claude's eyes flashes pink. "Now you listen here crow-" sebastian puts his finger up waving it like how you say no to a child. "You wouldn't want to wake up miss y/n would you?" Claude looks over at y/n sleeping form. "We demons don't have feelings especially for something as pathetic as a human."

"I assume you already know how her soul can be tempting I hope you can control yourself." And with that claude starts leavening the room. "The same advice goes for you." Sebastian said closing the door behind himself.

The end


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