chapter twenty:

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Tips you will need for this chapter
D/n = dad's name
M/n = mom name
B/n = brother's name

Benjamin's pov
This shouldn't be happening. Why would they lift the spell this early? "What's going on with y/n?" Ciel asked walking down the stairs.

"She's Receiving her powers." I step outside. The other's followed. "This good right, that means that we can go home," Ronald said joyfully. "This shouldn't be happening right now." I sigh.

"That's right, her parents should be the only ones who can lift the spell." Sebastian added. "Hey, y/n!" Alois ran over to her but gets pushed back. "What was that about?" Ciel asked. "It's a magic barrier." I try to see if I can break it with my magic.

The moment I touched it I got stung. I jolt my hand back. "Are you alright, mr. Benjamin?" Sebastian asked. "Yeah, I'm fine but I'm worried about y/n," I said "what are we gonna do now?" Grell asked. "The only thing we can do, wait." I take a seat. The other's agreed to keep ourselves occupied until the process was done.

Y/n pov

"Who said that?" I turn around. "Phoenix, is that you?" I asked the wolf sitting in front of me. "Hello y/n." It spoke. "You can talk!" I shrieked. "In this world I can." I can't believe I'm talking to a freaking wolf.

"Now that we have that out of the way, we can start." Phoenix started walking. "What are we starting?" I follow behind him. "Your story of course." Phoenix stops in his tracks. "You keep talking about this story but I don't know what you mean." I groan.

"Well than let me show you." Another bright flash apers. "Now let's begin." That was the last thing I heard before the light fades.

No one's pov
It was a beautiful day in the kingdom. All the villagers were happy and singing because the first born child of the king and queen was born. Everyone was happy except for the mother and father.

"This is not my daughter!" The queens eyes narrowed at the baby laying in the crib. The baby just giggles and smiles. "Just give her a few months, some times it takes awhile for the defining features to kick in." The doctor explained.

"It's not just the features." The father picks up the child. "We have a distinctive difference between us and the people from that other world and it all starts from birth." The father closely examines the baby.

A guard walked in. "Sir, you shouldn't hold the baby that way." The king was holding the baby upside down causing the baby to scream and cry. "Then you hold it, Benjamin." The king handed the crying child to him.

After awkwardly cradling the baby it fell asleep. "She seems to like you." The king glared at the guard. "Anyway, you're saying we just have to wait, correct?" The queen asked. "Yes." The doctor answered.

The king and queen looked at each other and started whispering to each other. The queen cleared her throat. "We've decided that she has two months." The room went completely silent for a moment.

"What are you going to do if she doesn't change in two months?" One of the nurses asked. "We'll send her to the other world." The king answers. "But that's not enough time-" "two months!" The room fell silent once again. the king sighs. "This conversation does not leave this room." The servants all agreed.

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