Chapter 15

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I could see the fear in Steve's eyes at Bucky's scared voice. The fear of his friend, like a wall had broken down showing a scared younger side. "We need to get him up here!"

"Steve how?" He seemed flustered, confused. Then he clambered onto the floor, holding his hands over the edge. I pulled out my phone that was slightly more scratched than usual, holding it up to the sky. "No signal. Perfect."

"Tony! Grab my feet, I can hang over the edge and grab him then you pull us back up." I looked down at my scratched and muddy hands. They were shaking. Closing my fists I focused on ideas of what to do.

I heard Steve call out to Bucky below. Bucky's voice was far away. Too far. He sounded weak and tired, about to give up.


I gulped. Kneeling down I grabbed Steve's bare ankles, adrenaline pumping. He wiggled forward, stretching himself over the side, reaching down to Bucky. "Buck! We're gonna try and get you like this so see if you can reach up?" I heard a groan of pain from below. "Tony I'm gonna go down further, hold me tightly okay."

I nodded, not caring that Steve couldn't see me, he wasn't waiting for a response. He wriggled forwards, slowly, carefully. He moved until his entire chest was over the edge, his body slowly becoming unbalanced. I gripped his ankles tightly, digging my nails in. "Steve..." There was a hint of warning creeping into my tone. He pulled himself further over, my hand reached out, grabbing his calf to help hold him down. "Steve you're gonna fall."

"I know, I know just, hold on alright?"


"Tony please!"

He moved forwards again, despite my warnings and I felt him begin to slip. I lurched forwards, grabbing his jumper, and using all my force I yanked him backwards, sending us rolling over the cliff path. "Tony!"

I lay there panting, adrenaline pumping. "What the fuck did you do that for!" Instead of replying I brushed off my trousers, ignoring the blood beginning to pore out of my hands and legs. "Tony I-" he stopped short, his eyes scanning me. "Shit sorry. I didn't notice, well I did but I didn't think it was that bad I-" shaking my head I brushed off his comment.

"I've got an idea." He followed me back down the cliff path, nervously looking back at the hoodie, ripped slightly, lying discarded on the ground to mark the spot.

Arriving at my car I explained the plan. I handed him tow rope, extending it so he could walk back up. Carefully he walked over the top, I followed him along at the bottom, my eyes squinting to see him.

My phone rang out loudly, causing me to jump. Pulling it out of my pocket again I saw Steve's contact pop up. Fear flooded through me. What had happened?

"Hey Tony. I can't hear you up here, so I decided the phone would be better. Right?" I nodded before remembering he couldn't see me. "Yep, sounds good." And after a pause, "I'll get the car then. Don't move."

The car pulled up next to where the rope dangled and I slowly attached it to my tow bar, tying the knots as tightly as possible. My dad had taught me one thing right. Steve's voice sounded through the phone. "I've tied it on, but, uh, I'm not sure if it's secure enough." Sighing lightly, I turned and jogged up the oath again, feeling out if breath as I reached him.

The rope wasn't that secure, but I tied a few knots to keep it on safely and made an extra simple loop to hook Bucky onto. "Now remember, you get him and secure him and tell me. Then I drive and inform me when you reach the top. It's not gonna be graceful, and will be painful." He nodded, a fear and panic building in his eyes again. I patted his shoulder awkwardly. "Good luck.

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