What am I ?

104 28 50

Evelyn QuinnFox

P.Ed. A period I dreaded the most not because hated sports. I LOVE playing. Its is my stupid sickness. I can run faster than anyone in this room but I'll will end up fainting.

Mom gave some letter to the management regarding my sickness. I trusted my P.E teacher I was allowed to sit the period  out. That is what I dreaded, doing nothing.

But who am I if I don't break some rules. Occasionally I play with them and every time I end up the same. Fainting, dizzy or nauseous.

Honestly, I found it very strange. One moment I'll be fine the next I'll be suffering.

I walked into the field. We'll be playing football today. Sweet! As soon as I walked in, Izzy spotted me and gave me a warning glare.

I have her a cheeky smile. And took my position as attacker. I could feel Izzy's angry eyes on me. What a great thing that we're in opposite teams.

Each time I pass her I could feel her  state burning my back. In my defence I am feeling great. I was about to score a goal while Izzy tackled me.

" You're not supposed to be playing"Izzy told me as she rolled the ball between her legs.

"I can." I said as I took the ball back.


"I am feeling much better" I told her as I sprinted towards the goal. In a split second I was inside the goal along with the ball. I blinked twice to recall what the hell happened. Nothing, just me half way across the field in a blink of an eye.

Maybe I zoned out as I ran. Maybe I should sit it out. I looked for Izzy her face screamed panic. I waited for the dizziness to hit me but it never did. Maybe I am getting better. I decided it was enough playing for today.


"Hey what is the time?" Izzy nudged me from behind. I almost fell asleep. It's not my fault. history is always like a bedtime story to me. Time... yeah, right. I looked at my watch.

"5 minutes to 4:30," I told her.

Finally, the school was over. Dave had arranged a huge party at Norris's, a club that he has rented for tonight. I seriously think it would be fine if it was me and my friends but Dave always arranges the best parties and Izzy would never let me say no to it. Almost everyone from my school was here and Izzy ditched me as Dave asked her to help him. I love them so much anyway.

I just wish River was here. He was my other best friend. I met him two years back when he moved here due to his parents' work. When we first met I kept to myself and never really talked a lot. We were lab partners and eventually, we became friends. Just then my phone started ringing.

"Hey! Happy birthday Evie"

"REV! I miss you so much. Thank you. How's dad's work going?"

"I miss you too. I miss you a lot actually..." I smiled. He sounded hesitant for a second. My heart started picking up its phase.

"I Have to go..I am sorry... Dad's calling. Bye," He hung up. I was a bit disappointed but I know how his dad was.

"Seems like you were successful in spending another year trashing the earth." God, not her! Not today!

"When did you start believing that I was following your footsteps?" Olivia. God knows how annoying she is. She and I have been in the same school since first grade. But I suddenly became her interest three years back.

"Eww. Why do you dress like that?" She asked completely ignoring my comment. I was dressed in a white tang top jacket, jeans, and black leather boots. I think I am dressed fine.

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