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Evelyn QuinnFox

"Evelyn!" She yelled. I pushed open my eyes but they slammed close again.

I don't know how long I've been out. I feel like beaten by 20 to 30 people. I was floating in the mid-air inside a golden bubble. It was transparent and shiny. Izzy was asleep on the other side. I kind of felt guilty. Izzy must have been worried. I tried to steady myself but instead, I lost balance and fell, breaking the bubble.

"Evelyn! You alright!" Izzy was right next to me the very next instant.

"I am now. What happened?" She gave me a confused look.

" I kept asking the same question. One moment you were talking to me the next moment you were out! I tried to wake you but the shield started forming around you and pushed me out. It was damn strong to penetrate and I was scared not knowing what was happening. You were out for 5 freaking days and I had to wait for you to wake up." She completed her speech. She sounded as confused as I was. My head was still pounding. I could hear faint noises but they faded away.

"Are you really alright?" She asked. I nodded assuring her I was.

"Go take a shower," she said walking towards a door in the corner. It let us out of the crystal room. I think I was in a palace. It was huge. There was a big garden in the middle and hallways surrounding it. It was beautiful. We kept walking which seemed like hours before she finally stopped.

"You live here all by yourself self?" I asked in shock. She shrugged.

" This place was made for me remember? And here. This is your room." She nudged me into the room. It was blue in color, crystal decorations hanging all over the room. I loved it. The room was very big with a bed in the middle, a Study desk, and five doors. She opened them one by one. One was full of my dresses and accessories. The other one had a crystal in the middle and was bigger than the bedroom itself. One was the bathroom. It was the most luxurious bathroom ever with crystal engraved walls and fancy mirrors, etc. One led to the garden while another led to a new bedroom itself. It was reddish-pink.

"This is my bedroom," she said then she pointed towards the crystal room and garden. "We will be training here." She said. I stayed quiet.

"I'll give you some time now come downstairs by six. I'll get dinner ready" she said hugging me tight. I hugged her back with everything I had.

I turned on the warm shower. I am not a human. I let the thought sink. I didn't even get time to let the thought settle. I can't believe how I was out for no reason. Well, I did do some crazy stuff. Let's just say that a reason I don't know. Either way, I lost five freaking days of my life. I miss Dave. Well, Dave can move here right?. I mentally noted to ask Izzy about it.

Will I be able to go back to school? I really wanted to. I missed Rev, Dave, Raven, bunking classes, annoying teachers. I really wanted to accept whatever I am going through, like a part of me already knew. But a part of me wants not to surrender. I take a deep breath. Good or bad what will happen will happen.

I slip into a tank top and shorts I pull my hair into a ponytail and jump into the bed. I glanced at my watch. 4:33 pm it read.

So I need to control my powers. That was my first priority.

"Eve?" Izzy slowly woke me up.

"Eat something. You haven't eaten anything for the past five days." She placed a tray of food in my arms.

"What time is it?" I asked sleepily. Exhaustion consumed me.

"11 PM" she answered. I slept for more than six hours and still, I feel like I could sleep forever.

I didn't even know what she gave me. All I know is it tasted good. I ate with my eyes closed and fell back in my bed. I felt Izzy's warm presence near me and I grabbed her hand but was too tired to say something. She kissed me on my forehead.

"Sleep tight Eve. Tomorrow is going to be a long day" I heard her say before I fell into the darkness.

Once again I was in the familiar darkness. I saw him again, drenched in blood. Knives and spheres stuck in his back. I could feel his pain, disappointment and hurt. I could feel his emotions flow through me... I've been haunted in a similar dream for the past five days. But it felt so real. God damn real.

I kneeled next to him. I leaned forward to touch his face. Blood ran down my hand. He leaned giving his weight on me, placing his head in the crook of my neck. I gently pulled everything that was struck on his back out. He winced in pain and I flinched. Then I slowly stroked his back, my hands tingling as it glowed blue. He started healing on my touch. I did everything like I knew what I was doing. I stopped when he was completely healed. We still stayed hugging each other.

"Who are you" I whispered. I felt the coldness of his body. I liked it. I could stay like this for eternity. But He moved back so I could face him. I stared into his midnight eyes while he did the same. For a while, we stayed our eyes locked.

"Where am I? What am I doing?"

"Evelyn...." He said. My heart started racing as he pronounced my name. A million tingles ran down my body. His voice was husky.

"I think I am going to meet you soon. You will come home....to Cinixta....to me." He whispered near my ear, hugging me tight, which I returned with the same force, one last time before I fell into darkness again.

I opened my eyes. 'Cinixta' was on my mind again. I slid out of my bed to wash my face. My eyes were glowing bright blue. This is the first time I get the chance to stare at it, without panicking. I splashed cold water over my face and watched my eyes change back to its normal shade.

I took a bath to refresh myself and went to the garden watching the sunrise. I pushed Cinixta to the back of my mind as I don't remember anything else.

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