Blood Oath

46 18 9

Evelyn QuinnFox

I was more awake instead of passing out. My body was adapting to whatever I was going through. My body was very weak. I was almost exhausted from life but still functioned somehow. 

"How did she get here?" It sounded familiar but far. I felt too weak to understand. I need water. I need to get out. I don't want to be in the darkness anymore. I missed home.

"She was the trespasser, My Rhea"

"ARES! I.." I couldn't hear any other word. The source was too far to hear. Ares? 

I tried to trigger my vision. Either I didn't trigger it or I should be in complete darkness with nothing in it. I tried to hear something but I can only hear my heartbeat, my breathing and, the blood running in my veins. I concentrated hard for so long then I heard a faint ticking a faint periodical ticking, more like a heartbeat then the questions started flooding my mind. I knew the torments would start soon.  

This time I was ready to embrace it. But the pull was stronger than the last time. I tried to fight it but the pain was excruciating. I felt my soul slipping away. I tried to hold myself together. I forced myself to hold on and not slip away but I was slowly giving in. It won't pain when I give in. It was easy. But I have to hold on. 

The pull lasted longer and longer. Just when I think it is going to end it gets stronger. A million voices were screaming in my head asking one question. 

I wanted to yell but with pain overwhelming my senses I lost the sense of my body again. All I could feel was the pain. 

I am sorry Izzy. I should have listened to you. I shouldn't have run from you.  I am sorry Dave for running away like that. For worrying you. I am sorry Rev. I should have heard you out. This is my fault. I hope my message reaches you...

Ares RheyFire

" Why are you doing this, Ares?" Josh questioned as he walked into my room. I kept attacking the target.

"What are you doing Ares? This is not right..." He said. I went straight at him and pinned him against the wall.

"Just because you're my friend doesn't mean you forget who I am! Do you want to teach me which is wrong and which is right?" I took my hand off his neck.

"You want to know which is wrong? That pureblood killing my father in front of my eyes is wrong! Letting that pureblood live is what's wrong! And I will destroy Vitara and if it didn't satisfy me, I will take down the whole human world along with it!" I was furious.

"You know what your father did" 

" YES! He loved me! HE LOVED ME!" I banged the table and it shattered.

"He killed innocent lives. He loved power. He would have killed you if he had to, to get his power!" 

"DO you want to live or not?!" I yelled! He was the only person that loved me. 

"You know who you are, don't you? A mere warlock! Stay in your limits. Don't push me to kill you" I know I hurt him but I don't care! He stormed off within a flash.

I walked to the Cinx, the prison where we put the prisoners and torment them. 

"ARES! I know you are behind this! Come out before I find you and rip your heart out of your body!" I chuckled as I walked in front of him.

"What a lovely reunion! I love you too...BROTHER" I loved to see him in paid. What a rare sight.


"Her? I have no idea what you're talking about?" I faked.


"What you love that human? Are you serious Alaric? Or should I say River? Nevermind. She's probably dead. You know even Ramozx cant survive the Cinx for more than 3 days. For a human, she has been there..." He lifted me by my neck making me laugh.

"Are you seriously serious? For demon blood, I thought you knew better!" He threw me against the wall and hit the ceiling as it crumbled down on me. He rushed to her cell. I followed him.


"tsk tsk! she can't hear you. And you can't open this without me. How pathetic?"

"What do you want!" he roared.

"And that's being smart."

"Just say it!"

"I want you to promise that you will lead the war against the Elrocks or your precious Evelyn dies. Not just death... A painfully slow tormenting one, A one that makes you wanna kill yourself..."

"Why do you want me to lead it?"

"Because you are the most powerful being amongst Ramozx and Elrocks. And you were able to kill Xylia or did you not?" 

"Ares!" He gritted his teeth.

"What? it is easy. You take a blood oath that you will lead the war and bring Xylia to me, dead or alive, and you Evelyn is free to go with you." He stayed fixed in his place.

"Don't you remember what happened the first time? Do you want her to end up like Zita?" I pushed him.

"I will kill you, Ares!" I laughed.

"How much more pathetic can you get? We both know you won't do it. So you want Evelyn alive or not?"  He came forward and placed his wrist on my hand. I slit open his wrist and blood poured in my hands. Then I slit my hand and let mine flow to his.

"what are you doing?"

"Taking a blood oath that I will kill Evelyn along with Zeta if you don't fulfill yours." I opened the cell and left before I could say anything.

Isabelle Light

She's not here! then she m8st be in danger. I couldn't track her. I felt like burning.

"Isabelle! Stop it! you are hurting yourself!!" Dave yelled.

"I am not doing this...Eva...Danger" I managed to slip out before I fell on the ground. Dave used his powers to stop the fire but I couldn't move. I failed my oath. She is in danger. 

Soon I was burning up again.  Both dave and I knew he can't do anything to save me. I felt his tears on my skin. 

"I am sorry"  I whispered and hoped he heard it.

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