It's Just Painful

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" She broke the barrier, " Livia said. 

"She saved him. She couldn't have survived it if she didn't. But after that..."  She looked at me in the reflection. 

"I already told you he was a megalomaniac, a power-hungry beast. He made her fall harder in love each day that passed. The barrier being broken was a big issue on the side of Elrocks. They were extremely worried about the disappearance of it. And Zita kept it from everyone. She used to share everything with her sister. the were inseparable and loved each other so much." She took a deep breath. 

"Just on the day when Zita made up her mind to confess everything to her sister who she's considered half of herself, Arzeus made his move to attack the Elrocks. More like destroy all the purebloods and extract their powers. That was huge bloodshed. The managed to kill almost every pureblood and a few amounts of elrocks as purebloods were his only target, with having half of his own killed." I clenched my hands in so much disgust and anger that it turned white. How can anyone ever be like him?

He killed half of his people for power! What will he even do with it?

"He killed Zita's father and mother in front of her own eyes. On that day, Xylia was in Crescenta, The sacred place where we worship pureblood, to perform a ritual. Like Cenixta for demon blood. " I recalled Izzy explaining it to me. Why is cenixta even bothering me?

"He didn't kill Zita right away. He waited for Xylia to return. Both the QuinnFox sisters felt so betrayed. Both were in vain. I was right there, beside Zita. I could never be able to explain the pain in their hearts." I felt tears sliding down my cheeks. How would I feel when the one I gave my heart, trusted, almost sacrificed my life to save Tells me that he never loved me, just used me? How would it feel to have my parents and my family killed by that same person in front of my eyes? How would it feel to have my sister feel betrayed by me?

And how would it feel to know that my sister who I considered half of myself break the barrier and let the enemies in? The enemies who killed my family? The ones who are taking everything away from me? To have my sister who I trusted more than myself to have her back on me? To commit such a huge crime and not even bother to tell me about it?

It was very painful.

"He left Zita alive cause he's grateful for saving his life. Zita ran to hug Xylia. she did. She apologized. Your mom didn't respond. Zita teleported Xylia to the citadel of the flames and me back to Liva before she was taken by the Ramozx. She was such a powerful and brave spirit. Nobody knew what happened to her after that. We don't even know if she's alive. That day was such a precious day. The day in which cosmic bodies align. We were there for the celebration."A tear slide down her cheek. I can't help but cry too.

"Xylia was the one to wake the spirits"

"What do you mean 'wake'?" I asked her. Izzy and I had this talk too.

"The spirits are the custos, the cosmic guardian of the world. They reside in their citadel" This much I knew.

"They exist in the form of water, plasma, air, and a flower. They are awakened only once in a thousand-year and the turn back to their citadel. Xylia used her blood to awaken them. She split us into three worlds and she protected us, all of us. But then there was a group of Elrocks" She looked as if she was disappointed. I knew both Ramozx and Elrocks wanted my mom dead. They betrayed my mom.

"They thought Xylia was unfit for ruling Vitara. They thought she was too weak to restore Vitara to its glory. But they can't reign over it without the powers of a pureblood. So, they planned on killing her to take over the throne. They wanted to kill her when she protected two worlds by herself." Livia almost broke down. I hugged to console her.

"Who?" I asked her referring to the people who wanted to kill her.

"The Novials" I waited for her to explain.

"The people who are in second power after the Rheyr family."

"I assume they are like a community of ministers, "I told her and she nodded.

"They can only impose order in the absence of Rhea. They ..." She didn't complete the sentence.

"Okay," I said taking a deep breath. 

"Ramozx is a creature who will never be able to love, Evelyn. There is a reason why love between us is forbidden." She sighed and stood up and walked to the front of me.

"Your mom was here. On the day you were born." She placed her hands on my shoulders.


"Yes. I can see her in you. But you, Evelyn, you are very unique. Xy knew something no one else knew. She didn't tell me either. But she told me to tell you this.--"

"Do you know anything about my dad?" I asked cutting in.

"No. She told me to tell you to be ready. Trust yourself when you feel so locked up. And you'll find a way out. You'll be better than your mom" She said. I just listed unable to think.

"And Evelyn open your mom's gift"

"She told you this?" I asked in a completely mortified shock.

"Yes, she also told me you'll be here when you're 16 years old and I've been waiting for you."

"Okay," was all that I said. She hugged me and lead me in the way I don't know where. 

"Come back when you think you need to talk to me. And we'll talk." She said before I went back to the room where Izzy was. I could only feel the pain in my heart, nothing else.

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