The Feeling Is Mutual

55 19 18

Evelyn QuinnFox

"Hey, Evelyn you're back" World's most annoying voice squeaked behind me. Rev stayed silent.

"Olivia!" I said turning around. I didn't expect going back to high school drama. Someone kill me.

"I was hoping you'd die freezing in cold" I just rolled my eyes and walked past her. She's very annoying!

"Did you just ignore me? Me!  Nobody ignores me" She screamed gaining all the attention.

"Well,  news flash Miss Nobody-ignores-me, I have a lot of better things to do than wasting my time talking to you," I said pulling Rev and Izzy.

"One sec, River can I borrow it?" Izzy just pulled the milkshake from Rev and gave it to Olivia.

"Take it," She said to Olivia who was dumbfounded. She took it hesitantly from Izzy's hand.

"Good. I hope you choke on it" She said coolly and mouthed 'let's go'. Everyone laughed. Olivia shrieked. And we just left the place.

"First day to school and already a show. You know how to make an entrance" Rev commented.

"I definitely did not miss this" I muttered and Izzy just winked. 

" I have Bio. See you later Eve. I hope I never see you again cockroach" Izzy yelled as she walked.

"The feeling's mutual Mosquito" Rev yelled back.

"Whatever" I heard her voice before she disappeared. 

"You guys fight like an old married couple you know," I said my eyes fixed on the place she disappeared.

"Never," He said in a disgusted tone and pulled my chin up to face him. 

"What's wrong Evie?" He asked his hazel eyes fixed on my silver-grey ones, worry evident in his tone. 

"Nothing," I said looking away. His hand trailed down my shoulder and stoped on my bracelet, forcing me to look up at him. I could hear my heartbeat echoing in my head. He just stared at me before someone bumped into me. 

"Hey watch your way!" I pulled my hand out of Rev's hold just to meet a pair of dark and coal eyes.

"It's you again. You seem to walk with your eyes on your head" I said folding my arms in front of me. He doesn't even have the manners to apologize.

"Did I miss anything?" Rev took a protective stand next to me, glaring at him

"Come on Ares" His friend gave a nod to River then dragged him away. Ares had his eyes fixed on River. Am I missing anything?

"Nothing much," I said as he held my hand and we walked to our Math class. Why do I feel like something's weird and fishy about Ares...

I tugged the sleeve of my jacket to cover the bracelet. 

"I thought you weren't into accessories..." Rev said. 

"This is a special one...A gift from my mom. I am not planning on removing it." I told him.



The rest of the classes were boring. It all sounded greek as I missed almost a month and a half of school. There were a lot of whispers since I was back. I ignored it as usually do.

"Hey Evelyn, you are back" Evan winked. I could kick him right now.

"Why? You missed my slaps and kicks?" I asked him in a sickly sweet voice.

"Guess Antarctica made you more colder," He said and laughed at his own joke. I spotted Izzy and Rev arguing in our usual spot and walked toward them without a word to the Idiot behind me.  

"You are not joining us for lunch?" Izzy asked him seriously.

"I... Sorry, Evie, Izzy, I---"

"Great. Go" She said almost pushing Rev away. He rolled his eyes and I shrugged.

We talked about the fun we had and what we're gonna miss. What's gonna be the same...

"We can always go back to cit--. God, River, you are more like a leach you know?" She said in her dramatic tone.

"Good to Know. Ivy, why are you even friends with her?" 

"I'm better than you 'duh'" She said finger quoting the 'duh'.

"We all know who's the best," He said. Izzy smirked.

"You wish," she said as she took a spoon of her lunch.

"You didn't think I'll leave you alone. did ya?" He faked innocence.

"You didn't leave her alone, you dumbass" Izzy replied before I could respond. I scratched my head and decided to let them fight while I dug into my food. Soon, three more guys joined our table. I looked up at the strangers, well, two of them were. One, who sat next to me had green eyes and auburn hair. One had blonde hair and blue eyes. And another was James. A popular jerk who is a teammate of Rev.

"Um, guys what are you doing here? I asked. Finally, River and Izzy stopped their fight and looked at the guys.

"You never let me speak! Guys these are my friends. I invited them here. This is James, you know him already. This is Cameron" He said pointing the one beside me. "And this is Jack," He said pointing to the one with blonde hair.

"Hi" I gave them an awkward wave. I don't know why I have the same strange feeling again. Izzy had her eyes fixed on Cameron's bracelet on his left arm. I raised an eyebrow at her. She shook her head as if to clear something.

"I have to go, Rev. Sorry, I forgot to inform you. I have to meet the headmistress. I am sorry" I lied and packed my lunch.

"Okay," He said disappointed. Izzy just raised an eyebrow.

"Nice meeting you guys, Bye, "I said and headed to the roof.

I climbed on the fence. I walked till the end and sighed as the wind blew on my face. I missed it the most. I looked down as spotted Olivia and her clique. She was well, very rich which made her arrogant and she is obsessed with being beautiful. Surrounding her was Veronica, Jessica, and Hailey. They were her 'friends', all annoying... It's a surprise that Veronica is Rev's cousin. 

I stared at the clouds... How am I gonna find out what happened? How am I gonna find my dad? Why is everything so complicated? Where should I start?

"Aren't you afraid of falling?" A voice startled me. I almost tripped before I regained my balance. The devil Ares stood by the door, staring at me. 

"No, Why? Should I be?" I asked him. 

"Suit yourself. What are you doing here anyway?" He asked and he climbed on the fence too.

"What are you doing?"I asked as he started walking towards me.

"I think I asked you first" I rolled my eyes. 

"And why do you think I should answer you?" I asked him. I don't want to be here for another second. Why am I even talking to him? 

"Is this how you usually talk? Ask a question for a question?" He smirked. This guy is getting on my nerves.

"Why are you even talking to me? Hell! Why am I talking to you?"

"You aren't exactly talking you know." He said as he turned to face the clouds. 

"Did you seriously expect me to talk to you?"

" Can you stop asking annoying questions?"

"I am annoying now?" 

"Urgh! Stop it already! I already regret coming to this realm! How does he even like you?" He snapped and that shut me up. realm? Coming to this realm? Urgh!  I needed some space and peace but It's clear that I am not gonna it here. My mom! I have to open the gift! 

"What? Just forget it!" I snapped back and headed to the parking lot. I texted Izzy saying I am going home early. And zoomed off. What did my mom leave in that box?

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