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Evelyn QuinnFox

My vision was blurry. All I can remember was being dragged by the guards to a black portal. I blinked twice and I can see nothing. I tried to stand up But I didn't have the balance. I didn't know where I was neither could I see anything. I didn't know If I was standing or lying. I was in darkness.

I started breathing heavily. I tried to trigger my night vision but my powers seemed too far and very light. I could hardly feel it's presence.

The questions 'How I ended up in Cenixta?' and 'What was I doing there?' was the only thing on my mind. It kept repeating itself so many times that I wanted to bang my head on something and pass out. I tried to focus on Izzy or River but my head hurts like hell. It was like hundreds of amplified voices echoing in my head.

Suddenly I felt my surroundings suck something out of me. I felt more exhausted and drained. Another two times and I passed out.

Isabelle Light

"What do you mean she is gone?" I couldn't bring myself to look at his eyes. 

"She was so upset, She had this fear radiating off her. I was scared of something..." I paused. What was she scared of? What triggered it? Why was she was acting strangely for the past two days? I wanted to break everything and just yell.

"She was running into the woods and was drawing a huge amount of energy towards her. And she disappeared. There were no traces of anything. She just..." I was on the verge of crying. He came over and hugged me as I crumbled in his arms.

"Shh...Shh... She will be fine. We'll find her soon"

"It was my fault!"

"It was no one's fault. It was an accident. She opened Xylia's pendant. She heard her message..." I looked t him quizzically.

"The one she left for her. That's why she locked herself in her room. She didn't want us to see her cry. And that's the reason why her fear of losing someone she loves heightened. She was herself going to tell you this... She just acted on instinct." He trailed off. It made sense.

"She is a bit on the edge since she's in her transition phase. She is using her powers the first time in a long time. She didn't accept herself completely yet. She will be okay in time" 

"I am such an idiot. I should have given her some space."

"Hey, You did. And you are far from an idiot" He wiped my cheeks and pulled me to meet his turquoise eyes. 

 "It's not your fault Isabelle. We will find her" I hugged him tighter. I was thankful to have him by my side. I couldn't love him any harder.

"Thank you Davian" I whispered.

"I Love you so much" He snuggled into my hair.

" I love you too," I told him.

" We will find her" He reassured me. Before I could respond, I drifted off. I knew he made me. He'll pay for this! 

Evelyn Quinnfox

Every time I wake up, it was the same cycle and then I pass out.

This time I was taken down my memory lane, tortured by reliving the memories that I didn't want to think of. I felt my eyes sting. I have no idea how long I was here. I wasn't given a grain of food or water. Then I felt my energy more like my soul being sucked out. The pain was unbearable. I can almost feel all my cells detaching and rejoin again. 

The second time, my pain was growing. I know one more time then I'll pass out. 

I felt severe pain. I closed my eyes but I didn't pass out. I can feel the pain but not move my body. My healing kicked in an soon I was numb. 

I figured that this was their way of getting the answers from their prisoners but I myself don't know the answers to those questions! I wondered if they can read my memories. But if they did, they'd probably have killed me by now. And by the way they want to know the answers, I assume they can't.

For some reason, my thoughts were stuck in the hospital. The way River was completely covered in blood. I tried to convince myself it was a prank and he might have done it to bring me out of my room. But I swear I didn't hear his heart beating till I started speaking. And every time I relived it I was more confident about that.

I was scared of losing him. I felt hurt cause I thought he pranked me. I felt hurt that he played with my feelings. But he didn't. I didn't give him time to explain. He didn't prank me! I should have stayed. I should have at least heard him out.

I felt my headache come back as I slowly drifted away.

I was stuck in some kinda trance. I tried to find the light. Only darkness, I didn't like it one bit. The darkness was empty, and it was nothing. I couldn't feel anything. The more I tried the soon I'd pass out.

Isabelle Light

"You have to sleep." I heard him say from behind me. 

"So do you," I told him.

"It's been two entire days since she's missing" I leaned into him. 

"I know Izz, You think she teleported to Ramozx territory?"  He asked as I played with fire.

"I really hope she's not there but that's the only place left. If she's there we need to get her out as soon as possible. Still, we can only teleport to places we've seen or very familiar with." I am sure she can't be there but what other options did I have. 

"You know what it means, right?"

"We need to leave"

"As soon as possible" He completed for me.

"Where are you going" Good thing Dave held me before I could smack his head. It's because of his freaking plan she gone now. 

"Isabelle" Dave called me and I stayed quiet leaving him to talk.

"We're gonna look for Eve, She's not home yet and it's not like her to run off like this." He said.

"I am so sorry" That idiot!

"Is you're sorry gonna bring her back? Just shut it and get lost"


"What Dave? What? Tell him to go before I burn him alive. You know I mean it!"

"She's not stable right now. She's worried about Evelyn. I'll call you when we come back. I will find her soon." 

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