A Part Of My Soul

47 20 21

Evelyn QuinnFox

"Evelyn" Dave hugged me as soon as I entered my home. I came here early morning to drop my things and pick Raven. Dave wasn't home. He was a lawyer so he must have left early.

"I missed my little ray of sunshine," He said as we broke the hug.

"I missed you too Dave. We even invited you to come to the citadel..." I said.

"I have to stay here Eve, For your protection," He said.

"And Antarctica? Who celebrates their birthday for a month?"  I laughed.

"I was watching Iceage when River came... So the only thing that came to my mind was Antarctica" He explained.

"You were what?" I was still laughing,

"What what? That movie's gold" He defended.

"Okay... Dave, do you mind if I lock myself in my room for a while?"

"Is something wrong?"


"Then Ok," He said looking at me with calculating eyes.]. I headed to my room and locked it. Now I understand why my room had so many safety measures.

I walked to the shelf where I place the box. I took a deep breath and took it out. There was no lock or any opening. It was fully covered. It had a design in the middle which matched my mom's pendant perfectly. 

I removed the pendant and placed it carefully in the center. Bright golden light glowed from it which almost made me drop it. The chain slowly fused into the box and it opened.

"Evie, My dear, my life, if you are listening to me in this form then you are sixteen years old" The moment I heard my mom's voice tears just flowed down my cheeks. Everything that I've kept to my self, every time I told my self that I was strong, every time I forced myself not to cry is in vain. I dropped myself on the floor and just cried. 

"I know I will not be here for you no matter how bad I wished. We can't change what happened. So I left a piece of my soul in here so I can tell you this." All I can see is blue light and hear her voice. She wasn't here. It was more like a message. How can this be happening? Why did she leave me?... Mom, I want you back...I sobbed.

"Evie, You know I love you so much, right? You are the one thing in this universe that I would never wanna loose. I would never let you get hurt. You are my life and everything more." I listened to every word, treasuring every syllable. 


"Evie, I know you're very angry with me for not showing you this part of our life. I know you are disappointed that I didn't leave a trace of your dad"

"No mom, I am not! Please come back to me!" I cried.

"I know I should be the one teaching you how to control your energy, train you to get your Spex. I used to wonder how you'll be when you grow up. How would it have been when we do it together. It would have been our little secret" She whispered the last line and chuckled.

"I know you'd be better than me in many ways. You'd be amazing, That I am sure of. You are the best daughter I could ever ask for. I am blessed to have you in my life. I wanted to tell you this in person..." The was a pause. I sniffed and tried to hold my tears.

"But I did what I did to keep you safe, away from all this. I'd give my life if I can make you smile once"

"Don't you think I'd do the same for you. How'd you make me smile if you're not here with me?" I cried again.

"There are people you are trying to find you, to kill you, Evie. Some people need you too. I want you to be safe. That's all I want. I wish I'd still be with you to protect you and see you laugh."

"I wish, I wish!, I just wish you were here mom. I'd trade my life if I can just spend a minute with you." I whispered.

"You are strong Evie, You just need to trust yourself when you don't know what to do. My energy will always be around you. I am leaving a part of my soul for you. Promise me you'll never let yourself get hurt and always do what seems right for you to do. You will not let others influence you, no matter what." I nodded, trying to wipe my tears.

The next moment, the crystal in the pendant cracked open and mom's hair clips levitated towards me.

"You will always have a part of me. Though you are my life itself. I thought it would comfort you a bit"

"But I want you mom" My voice cracked knowing that she's gonna leave again. I just want her to hold me.

"Remember I'll always love you, Evie, I love you so much!" 

"I love you mom, I love you more. Mom...." I begged. But the light disappeared. Just like her. There was no trace of her presence. She was gone. She left me....again. The clips moved from my hair and wiped my cheek. I cried harder. It transformed a bit bigger and hit my back...more like patted me. And just like that, I fell asleep.  

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