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Evelyn QuinnFox

"EVELYN!! Open the damn door before I burn this whole building down!" Izzy yelled from the other side of the door. She cant enter my room because it's magically sealed by my mom.

I have never cried in front of them. I have never cried after my mom was gone. I've been locked up in my room for the last two days. I just wanted to be alone. I left my phone outside so I didn't have contact with her either.


" Give her some space Isabelle" I heard Dave say.

"How long Dave? The least she can do is give me a reason. She was perfectly fine in school but suddenly she left in half. I gave her space as you asked me. But this is starting to worry me. EVELYN!" She banged the door again.

"You haven't eaten anything for the past two days!"She yelled. I sighed and got down. She is not the one to give up that easily. She was as stubborn as me. And I was feeling much better than the last two days.

I dragged my self to the door and opened it.

"OPEN U--" She punched my nose real hard.

"I guess I deserved it"

" I am not sorry," we said at the same time. She angrily marched into my room. She went near the door frame which had beautiful symbols on it. Flames lit up her hand and she placed it on it. Sparks ran through the symbol and then the whole room.

She marched straight out towards Dave. God! She is beyond mad at me. I quietly followed her.

"Now I can enter that room--" Her phone rang interrupting her.

"Why is he calling me?" she murmured before picking up. I already had a guess who that 'he'could be.."River W--" I think he cut her off.

She cut her phone and raced out without a word.

"Izzy! What's wrong?" She glared at me and teleported to her car. What is wrong. Did something happen to Rev?

I quickly grabbed my keys and kissed Dave on his cheeks

" I am sorry Dave. I'll come back and explain. Thanks for giving me space and for being understanding" I raced to my bike in my supernatural speed before he could respond. I was already in level with Izzy.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly. She didn't answer. Her eyes were fixed on the road but they were glossy... he alright. I started panicking. Something is wrong...

She raced down the road. Izzy never drives like this... She cut into the way which leads to the main hospital. I felt my heart clench.

"Izzy is everything alright?"She didn't reply. A tear slid down her eye. She wiped it quickly but I noticed it.

We parked and she almost ran.

"What happened? Izzy? Rev...did something happen to him?"

"No Evelyn. That's why we're here" She said in a tone filled with annoyance.

"What did I do? Why are you calling me like that?"

"River's fighting for his life and how I am calling you is the matter now?!" She yelled furiously. I felt my heart stop beating for a brief moment. I tried to process what she said. My eyes clouded with tears.

"What happened to him?" I asked with a heavy heart.

"You can come and see for yourself." She rushed through the crowd.

"Room 104 please" she hurried the receptionist.

"First floor, second left, sixth room" She gave a nod and ran. My heart was racing so fast to the extent that it might burst. I blinked my eyes to concentrate. Nothing can happen to him. He's okay. I tried to calm myself. Nothing worked. With every step in the stair, my worry and panic increased consuming whole.

" Doctor, How is he?" Her voice was almost a whisper.

"He is unconscious. He has lost quite a lot of blood. He is still in a critical stage. We can only tell you his exact condition after an hour of observation." He stated and I felt a pin pierce my heart a hundred times. I felt my hand tremble and I dropped myself on the chair.

"We need to get the formalities done. It was a severe accident. It's a miracle that the boy survived."

"His parents are on the way. They'd be here in about five hours. Can we visit him?"

"Are you related to him?" I dropped my head in my palms.

"Yes. I am his sister and she's his girlfriend" She told him.

"Okay. But only for 5 minutes."

"How did you call me."

"His last dial..." She looked at him with realization and then looked disappointed.

"You can only visit one by one," He said and left. Izzy went in first.

I just felt very hollow. Tears clouded my eyes. I felt helpless. The pain when you know you can do nothing to save your loved one is something unbearable. I clenched and unclenched my hands to contain myself.

I...I don't know what to do.

Izzy came out. I walked in slowly.

"Rev..." It was more like a sob. I in the chair next to his bed. He had bandaids wrapped in multiple parts of his body... He was covered in blood.

"Rev" I cried.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me too? Why?" I sniffed and took his hand which was covered in blood too. I wiped it slightly with my jacket.

"You promised Rev! You promised to be there with me." I held his hand tightly afraid I'll lose him too. Losing my mom was already too much...

"Please stay with me" I whispered as a teardrop fell on his hand.

"Jesus Evelyn! You are crying?" He got up and unplugged everything that was connected to his body. I stared at him frozen in shock, unable to think.

I slapped him and pulled him by his collar. Did they play with my emotions? How could they? How could you? Tears ran down my cheeks as I stared into his eyes.

The next moment I ran outside.

"Evie! Wait!"

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