2 // I'm Sorry

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As soon as the bell rang, Madrid ran out of the room with the kid who was sitting next to me, swag fag. I walked out of the class, last. I looked down to my schedule that I put into the see-through part of my folder and saw that I had- ugh- P.E next. Why do I even have to take P.E as a junior? Oh yeah... Because I didn't take it as a sophomore. Boo. I don't even know why we have to take two years of it. We don't even learn anything. It's just a class that teachers can bark orders to and if you don't listen, you get a bad grade... Oh wait, that's every class!

I started walking to the locker room. Once I got there, I saw a bunch of girls, some fully dressed, other half-dressed. I quickly made my way to the little teacher's office and saw one brunette. She was sitting down in an office, typing at her computer. I walked up to her and cleared my throat. She peered up and her face lit up. She smiled and said, "you must be Hayden." I nodded. "Well, since we have no P.E clothes for sale at the moment, you'll have to do P.E in your own clothes for now until we can get you some clothes to dress out in. Who is your teacher this year?"

"Alvarado," I replied, short and easy. She nodded and got out her phone. A few seconds later, her phone beeped and she checked it.

"Already Miss-"

"Justice," I clarified.

She nodded. "Alright then Miss. Justice. Just go out to the gym and the only teacher that should be there is yours." I said goodbye and a thank-you before leaving and heading off to the gym. Since I have no idea where the damn place was, I got lost. I eventually gave up on searching and started to wander around the hallways. I, once again, bumped into somebody, sending me to the floor. I looked up and saw that it was that Madrid kid. He extended his arm out for me to take, but I rolled my eyes and got up on my own.

"Hey, um, can I talk to you?" What the heck? How about no? I gave him a look and started walking away, but he grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

I sighed. "What do you want?" I asked, annoyed. I fidgeted with my bracelets as he spoke to me. This kid is weird.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about this morning. I was in kind of a bad mood and I took it out on you. I didn't mean to," he answered, not meeting my eyes. I rolled my eyes again, not wanting to deal with his bull.

"Of course you didn't, but I have to go now, so please let go of me so I can get to my damn class." He frowned, but let go. I walked away, neither of us saying another word. A few minutes later, I ended up finding the gym. I went inside and was greeted by the refreshing air conditioning. I also saw that there were multiple guys playing basketball, while some people were sitting on the bleachers, which mainly consisted of girls. I searched for the teacher, and finally found him, I think. He was wearing a lanyard I saw the other two teachers I had encounters with had on. I went up to him and practically got yelled at. But after I told him that I was new and that I had gotten lost, he forgave me and let me join in with the basketball playing group. They were choosing teams, so I waltzed up to them and asked if I could join their game. They were shocked, but still said yes, and soon enough, we began the game. Yes, I played basketball in a dress. Only because I totally have swag. Actually, make that sweg. But I did have shorts on underneath it. The game got heated about a half hour later. The score was 24-24. Both teams were tied. I had the ball and-wouldn't you know- I shot the last basket just as the teacher blew the whistle. Some of the guys congratulated me, while other just simply walked away, pissed off because they lost. One of the guys actually came up to me and spoke up.

"I see you're pretty good at basketball, yeah?" I smiled and looked at him, checking him out. He had dark brown hair, with light emerald green eyes. They were gorgeous. His body was equally attractive. He definitely looked like he worked out a lot. He had a chiseled face, and well, to me, he was the definition of perfect. In his looks anyway.

I haven't gotten to know what he's like, but so far, I think I'm gonna like this guy.

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