13 // Fighting

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It was a normal hot Summer day. The temperature was about ninety-four degrees. I was dressed in a black and gray sweater, the kinds that I always wear, a pair of white shorts, black slip on TOMS, my red pair of rose bud earrings, and finally, my necklace that my father had given me. I had left my hair curled, mainly at the bottom and added a bow.  

It is a Saturday afternoon, almost two weeks since we last spoke. I'd called my father sixteen days ago, which would make it the Sunday before last. He had told me that he wasn't mad at me, just a little disappointed. Why? Well, because of the fact that I let Steven sleep in the same bed as me. He said he had never thought I'd do that, and he also said that he didn't want me to be seeing Steven.

You see, my mother had described Steven in a way that made him seem like a bad character. Although he isn't, my father won't have it. I've tried telling him, multiple times, that Steven was actually a really good guy, but he doesn't listen.

All in all, he told me I have to break up with Steven. Of course, I'm not going to do that, and I told him I wouldn't. I said I wouldn't have it.  Me saying that made it even worse. He told my mom to tell him if she ever see's  me with him. He said that if she does see us together, it's not going to be pretty. I honestly have no idea what he could possibly do to make my life any worse than it already is, but I didn't want to take any chances.

I told Steven what happened and I also told him that I was not going to break up with him. I like him and I'm not going to break up with him just because my dad has the wrong picture of him. We settled on seeing each other during school, and sometimes, I said that I'd tell my mom that I was going to Clarissa's and then I'd go over to Steven's house.

It's been about two weeks and so far, my plans working. I hate lying to my dad, but I want to be able to be happy. I mean, I get bullied at my school and I just hate it so much. For once, I actually have a shred of happiness and I'm not going to let me father take that away from me just because he doesn't know who Steven actually is. No way, Jose.

I'm sure we won't last very long. We kinda fight a lot. Not how a normal couple should. For random stupid reasons too. I'm hanging out with him today, so lets see how this goes. We just made up from our previous fight, which last two days and we made up yesterday. I don't understand why though. We were like a perfect couple in the beginning, but now it's different and I just don't know what to do.

"Hey, mom. I'm going to Clarissa's house. I'll be back later," I stated, peeking my head through my mom's bedroom. She sighed but knew better than to tell me I can't go. She knows that Clarissa is my only friend, now that she thinks I don't hang out with Steven.

"Alright, don't be out too late. I'll leave some dinner on the stove, bye honey," she replied. She's been getting nicer since I have nobody. Although why couldn't she be like this in Hawaii? I had the same amount of friends then.

I rushed outside and slipped into the passenger seat of Steven's brand new car. His parents bought it for him as an early Christmas present. Christmas is only about three months away. "Hey," he said after I buckled my seat belt. I smiled and returned the greeting.  At least he's in a good mood, I thought. Who knows, maybe we won't even fight today.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked in a delightful tone.

"Mmm," he hummed, "how about we go to the mall?"

I pondered the thought. "Sure," I responded. A little over thirty minutes of driving and we finally pulled into the Bassett Place Plaza. Steven said that when we were done shopping, we could go to Costco and get something to eat. After an fifteen minutes, we were out of Marshalls and Ross. We then stalked over to Kohls. I actually found a really cute top there. I told Steven I was going to buy it, but he insisted on paying for it. Why? Guy logic. Guy pride. I don't know. Guys are strange creatures.

After he got me the blouse, we went into Target. This was mainly so we can get snacks because we'll be watching a movie at his house later tonight, figuring he can't really come over to my house anymore. Once we got inside the store, he grabbed a cart and after a few minutes, there were multiple junk foods in it.

"I'm going to get so fat after tonight!" I groaned. I love food now, but I can't seem to ever gain weight anymore. I honestly hope that I gain weight. At least as much to where I can weigh one hundred or one ten. That would be so nice.  I'm 5"4 and 90lbs.

"Oh please. If anything you'll gain like a pound, chill," he replied.

"Better than nothing," I smiled.

"Yeah, well we only need two more items. Oreos and a new video."

"How about I go get the Oreos and you pick out a movie?" I suggested.

He nodded. "Alright," he said before pecking my lips and walking off. I walked around the store, in search of Oreos, and I ended up seeing this really cute bikini.  I thought about buying it. I mean if I do wear it, it would only be at my house when I'm alone, you know so no one can see my scars. But then again, if Steven sees it, he'll probably want to see it on me.

I was about to put the hanger back when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Assuming it was Steven, I quickly set the hanger on the stand and closed my eyes. I whipped around and kissed him on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck but this time, I felt something different that I usually don't feel with Steven. It felt... Well, it felt different and I loved it.

My eyes snapped open when I heard a clicking sound. When I saw who I had kissed, I didn't know what to feel. Mad because it was Dustin; sad because I felt a connection with him and not so much with Steven; confused because I don't even know what to do; or scared because I heard a clicking sound and the only things that really make a clicking sound are cameras. Oh great, look who's coming. Wouldn't you know it? "What the hell was that?" I whisper shouted as I pushed Dustin away from me. He reluctantly let me go. He didn't have his signature smirk on like he always does. He looked sad and frustrated.

"Don't tell me you didn't feel that, Hayden," he whispered back. I honestly knew what he was talking about, but there's no way in hell that I'm going to say that kiss was one of the best I've ever experienced.

I shook my head. "I don't feel anything for you, Dustin," I replied. It did sound a little harsh, but when is he going to get the message? He eyes turned glossy and I, indeed, felt bad. I opened my mouth to say something, but Steven beat me to it.

"What are you doing here?" he asked as if he was talking to the most disgusting thing on the planet. He slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. Dustin shook his head.

"I know you felt it, Hayden. Quit lying to yourself." And with that, he walked away with a boy that was standing a few feet behind him.

"What was that about?" Steven asked, eyeing Dustin as he walked away.

I shrugged. "He's just jealous," I responded as he turned towards me.

Steven scoffed. "Well, good thing he'll never get you then, eh?" After the incident, we grabbed the Oreos and went to his place. He had gotten The Millers and was laughing the entire time. I, on the other hand, did not. I was confused about what I had felt with Dustin.I felt more of a connection with him than my own boyfriend. I just don't know what I'm going to do. I contemplated on whether I should tell Steven or not. When the movie finished, I had my decision. I decided to not tell Steven about the kiss, Dustin and I had shared.

And the feelings, at that.

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