4 // Dustin & Rumors

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I awoke the next day, burning hot. My blanket was on the floor and my A.C had shut itself off during the night. Why is it so dang hot here? I got myself out of bed and headed towards my bathroom. A half hour later, I came out in a towel, after I'd taken a shower and brushed my teeth. I went into my walk-in closet and picked out an outfit. Once I finished dressing, I sprayed on some perfume and ventured on downstairs. To my surprise, my mom was sitting down on a stool at the island in the kitchen. "Hey mom, what are you doing home?" I asked her.

She peered up from the magazine she was reading, glancing at me, then looked back down and replied with, "I don't have to work today." I could tell she was tired. Whenever she's tired, she gets real moody. You might be thinking, 'what girl doesn't get moody when she sleepy?' In that case, you clearly haven't met my mom. When I say she's moody, she a down right b-word about everything. Since I didn't want to start something, I just nodded, forgetting she couldn't see me. I walked out of the kitchen and back to my room. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was barely 6:30 AM. Well dang. I still have an hour to kill. School starts at exactly 7:32 AM so I have to at least be at school by the warning bell, which rings at 7:22 AM. Our passing periods are shockingly longer than most schools. I guess that's pretty cool though. Ten minutes long. Good thing I don't have any friend to talk to so it's not like I'll ever be late or anything, note the desperate plea to find friends.

Maybe I should just go up to someone in my classes and be like "Yo, my names Hayden. Wanna be friends?" Yeah no, never mind. That's too desperate for me to even think about. But I realized that I'm going to be needing a girl friend. If I don't find one soon, then I don't know what I'm gonna do. I mean I'll always have Lana to contact whenever I need her, but it's not the same as being able to talk to someone in person and let all of your feelings out without being judged. You can also see their reactions to your words. If you're talking on the phone, you can't very well do that.

But I do, indeed, miss Lana. She's my best friend of all time and nobody can ever replace her. Ever. Same as Sander, really. I love them both and miss them terribly. I actually haven't even had a single conversation with either on of them since I left. I wonder if they're mad at me. I hope not. I can't stand it when they're mad at me. It drives me insane, especially when I don't know what I did wrong in the first place. I guess I'll call them both, figuring they're both in school right now. I sat down on my bed and snatched my earphones from my nightstand. For the next hour, all I recall is listening to my favorite songs and passing out.


"Hayden, wake up," a voice called while shaking me. I reluctantly opened my eyes and saw my dad standing above me. I quickly jumped out of my bed and into his arms.

"Hello to you too bub," he laughed. I smiled a truly genuine smile. I've missed my dad so much. I totally forgot he was coming today! This must be why my mom got the day off from work.

"I missed you so much daddy," I whispered, holding on to him.

Yes, I still call my father daddy. That and Pops. Why? Because one, I can, and two, 'daddy' is special to me while saying 'Pops' is just fun because he doesn't really like it because it reminds him if Pops from Regular Show. That's our show. Every time he's home, we watch it together. "I missed you too sweetheart, but we need to get going or else you'll be late to school. We don't want that to happen on our second day of school, now do we?" I shook my head and got up. I grabbed and phone and backpack and followed my dad downstairs.

We both got in the car once we were outside and soon enough, we were in the front of my school.

"Eurgh. Do I really have to go Pops?" I sigh. I half smiled.

"I wish you didn't, so I can spend more time with you, but you do go shoo fly, shoo." I groaned and pecked his cheek. I got out of the car and before I went into the doors of the school, I looked back to see my dad still there. I gave a little wave and saw him wave back. I spun around and went inside. Little did I know that this would be one of the worst days I've ever experienced.


"Watch where you're going, slut," a boy commented while shoving his shoulder into me. I brushed it off and continued walking. I tried, at least. There are way too many people at this school.

"Get out of the way, witch," a girl said to me as she pushed me into a locker. Oh hecks no. I am not letting this just slide. No one calls me a witch with a b and gets away with it.

"Excuse you?" I remarked as the girl was walking away. She heard it, like I wanted her to, and she turned around.

She walked up to me and said, "can I help you?" She clearly wasn't asking if I actually needed help. She was giving off a rude vibe and I found it quite irritating.

"One, why'd you push me. Two, why'd you call me that?" I demanded.

She scoffed. "Like you don't know," she replied, rolling her eyes.

"I clearly don't if I'm asking you," I say with a poker face.

She sighed. "Well, at first I honestly thought you looked pretty nice and were a cool person, but then Dustin said some things about you and started spreading rumors about you. So now, I have no idea what to think because Dustin is usually always right and plus, he's my boyfriend so why wouldn't I trust him? Y'know? And well, I'm sorry for calling you a witch-" Again, witch with a b. "I didn't mean it. It's just an easy way to offend somebody."

I nodded and took the information in. "Wait, who's Dustin?"

"Dustin Madrid. He's my boyfriend and pretty much the most popular guy in school. He can be a jerk to some people, but in the end, he's a really nice guy."

As soon as she said Madrid, I knew who she was talking about. So Madrid is his last name? Oops. I thought it was his first name. I looked at her features. She has golden hair with, stormy sea blue eyes, a petite body, and overall, she was really pretty. "My name is Clarissa by the way," she added. That suits her.

"I'm Hayden," I replied, offering her a smile.

"Oh trust me, I know and so does half the school. So is it true? Did you really do all those things?"

I was confused. "Did I really do what?" I asked her.

"What Dustin has been saying, that you..."

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