11 // Unresolved Problem

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"Honey, wake up," said a soft voice. My eyes fluttered open and I saw my dad standing in front of my bed. It was already morning time. About a half hour after my mom woke me up and I came back into my game room, Steven left. I went to my room and I knocked out.

"Hey pops," I voice, sitting up.

"You better hurry and get dressed or you'll be late to school. I'm driving you there," he says in a harsh, yet soft tone. I nod and he leaves. I get up and get ready for the day. After my shower, I got dressed. I went downstairs into the living and saw my dad sitting down on the couch, watching the news. "You ready?" he uttered. I nodded and we went to the car.

The drive was relatively quite. Neither of us said anything. I don't know if my mom had told him about what she had seen. But it's not like we did anything. It's not like I ever would. My dad dropped me off without a word. I guess she did. He must be mad at me...  Aw, crap. He's leaving today, I thought. Oh no. This isn't good. What if something happens to him and he's still mad at me? Maybe I can call him and tell him I'm sorry. I don't know. Hopefully, nothing goes wrong. I don't think it will. I mean, nothing has so far and he's been in very bad places.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I glanced up and saw Steven holding his folder in on hand and taking one of mine in the other. He intertwined our fingers and we started to walk to my first period. 

"Nothing, really. It's just- I think my mom told my dad about what she saw yesterday. But it's not like we actually did anything. But she might have put it the wrong way and now, I think he's mad at me. In the car, he wouldn't even look at me, let alone talk to me," I remarked. I saw him frown.

"Well, just, after school, talk to him and tell him," he suggested.

"I would, but he leaves today and he won't be able to use his phone."

"Oh," was all he could say before the bell rang and I had to go into my class. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before going to him first class. The bell finally rang and class started. I just wanted it to end, the day that is.   I glanced up and Dustin was staring at me. I wasn't even the mood to even look at him so I looked back down. Once class was over, I briskly walked to second period.


You have to walk home today. I'm at work and your fathers gone, the text from my mother said. Great. I put my phone into my back pocket and  started to walk home. I would have asked Steven to give me a ride, but he has to go to football practice. It was a long hour or so, but I finally made my way home. The first thing I did when I was inside? I took a bath. It helped a lot. I ended up staying in there for an hour and I almost fell asleep. But it's okay. I was now very relaxed and calm. I actually fell asleep while doing my homework. I was dreaming about Katherine and how we were best friends. Yeah, I know weird. We went shopping, spent the night at each other's houses, and I was actually having fun, until something woke me up. It was a loud ding. My eyes wobbled open. I thought it was nothing until I heard it again. After hearing it for the second time and actually being awake this time, I found out that it was the doorbell. I went downstairs while pondering who it could be. It was Friday and again, my only friends were Steven and Clarissa. I don't even know if Clarissa and I are friends anymore anyway. Didn't Dustin say he was going to tell Clarissa that I supposedly "came onto him"? I opened the door to be face to face with someone I thought was the nicest person ever, but I guess not. "U-Um, hey Clarissa," I mumbled.

"Why?" she asked, looking completely heartbroken.

I knew immediately knew what she was talking about, but decided to play dumb.  "Why what?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," she glared.

I sighed. "Yes, okay, I kissed Dustin, but it's not what it sounds like. I went to go talk to him for you and he said that he had to change, so I followed him into the boys locker room. I don't know why he wanted me to go in there with him, but I did because I really wanted to have a friend, which is you," I said, nodding my head to her, "so I just went along with it. After he changed, I said something about him not knowing how to treat his friends right and I guess  that made him mad or something because he pinned me up against on of the lockers. He saw that I was nervous and I didn't want him to kiss me, so he did kiss me. Yes, I know I kissed him back, but I really regret doing it," no, I don't, " but I just want you to know I have absolutely no feelings for Dustin, at all, "liar, "and I just want what's best for you. If you don't want to be my friend anymore, then I understand."

She shook her head and embraced me in a hug. "I broke up with him, Hayden."

Clarissa ended up coming inside. Later that day, she asked if she if she could spend the night. I agreed because it is Friday and I don't have anything to do tomorrow. She asked her parents and she ended up staying the night at my house. We did a lot of things you would see at a sleepover. Watched movies, at popcorn and pigged out on junk food, stayed up late.

For once, I actually had fun with a girl that wasn't Lana.

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