5 // Dream Date

21 2 0

"What Dustin has been saying, that you... Well, that you're a total slut and that the reason you moved here was because you got expelled from your old school and got arrested because you were a prostitute..." My jaw dropped open. Why would anyone say that about someone? Especially when it's not even true? And when they know nothing about that person? Why would he do that-
"What do you want now?" I asked Madrid.
"I just want to talk to you. This is seriously your last chance," Madrid replied. I scoffed.

"Ooh, what are you gonna do, tell my mom?" He shook his head.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, because I did!"
Oh. So that's what he meant. But why? Why did he want me to forgive him? He really couldn't even think of a better rumor to spread?
So the rest of the school day, I moped around, slowly walking to my classes. At lunch, I sat with Steven again, but we hardly said anything to each other. I don't know if he heard anything, and if he did, I didn't know if he believed it or not. Even if he did hear it, I don't think he believed it or else he probably wouldn't of been talking to me anymore. Dustin wasn't in school today, not that I cared. He ruined my chances of having friends here. I mean, I just moved here, why would somebody do that? Like really? Ugh.

I am currently sitting on my bed, doing nothing. Just looking around my room remembering all of the memories in Hawaii. I miss it there and I don't. I wasn't popular in my old school, and I only had two friends I could actually trust, like I said before (Sander and Lana).

There were many people there that hated me. Why? Because of Sander. He was popular and he was the captain of the football and soccer teams, but he loves soccer more. The only time I would get violent it when they would start doing physical things to me, or said something that really hurt. Which was a lot because I was bullied almost every single day, just because I was dating the hottest guy in school/ the most popular guy in school.

I learned to deal with it, but after a while, it gets to you. When you get hate every second of the day, at school, out of school, on the internet, it does something to you. You begin to feel worthless. You feel like nobody cares about you and you just don't know how to cope. Well, I didn't know how to cope until I saw a comment on my twitter. I had about ten followers on there, but I would constantly get hate. This one girl, I still remember her name, Katherine, mentioned me in a tweet and it not only broke my heart, but changed my life forever.
@RatchetKatHere : @HayThere is seriously oblivious to everything. @SanderUltSoccerPlayer does not like you, hunny He cheated on u with me! Can u believe that? Probly not your to fat ugly & stupid 2
There was also a picture attached to it. After I saw that, my life was ruined. I landed talking to Sander about it and he admitted that he did cheat on me with Katherine, but not how I thought. Katherine was the one to initiate everything. At first, he said he didn't know what was going on, but then after a few seconds, he caught on and pushed her away from him. They only kissed, but it still hurt. I forgave Sander and my bullying got even worse.

There was also this one guy. He was sweet and comforting. Little did I know, Katherine had set him up to do this. The guy, Evan, and I got really close, like best friends, and one day, we went over to his house. Me expecting it to be just an ordinary day like it usually was, soon found out I was wrong. We went up to his room and he ended up... Doing things to me. After that, he pushed me out of his house, saying he never liked me and that this was just a wicked plan that was now complete.He made me walk home in the pouring rain, after being... Attacked by him. After all this time, I still couldn't bring myself to say the word.

 Because of this, I regularly got called a slut, fat, ugly, worthless, you name it. Terrible names that people shouldn't be called. People would get physical and start beating me up and soon the rate increased. I then started to get called freak and still fat. I honestly never thought of myself to be fat until that day. I was a size seven. But people continued calling me fat and I began to feel like I truly was. Sander kept telling me ignore it, ignore it. It'll all be better soon, he promised.

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