12 // Flims

10 1 0


What's up?


Just out with Clarissa.

 I was currently sitting down with Clarissa in Starbucks, waiting for our drinks to be finished. 

"Who ya textin'?" Clarissa questioned from the other side of the small table.

"Steven," I answered with a smile on my face.

"Oh, so your boyfriend?" she asked, grinning. I just nodded in return because it was true. Steven was my boyfriend and I was happy to admit it. "What! Really! He asked  you out already?" she exclaimed.

I laughed while nodding. "He asked me a while ago when-"

"Clarissa and Hayden?" We went up and grabbed our drinks after thanking the workers.

"So where to now?"

"Um, I dunno. Do you want to go, like, um, shopping? Or we could just go back to your house or anything really. I don't mind," she replied. The rest of the day, all we did was sty cooped up in my room watching movies.  We watched Mean Girls, White Chicks, The Vow, Dear John, The Last Song, and The Other Guys. We fell asleep during The Other Guys so she ended up staying the night one more night. The next day, Clarissa went home around three and about an hour later, Steven came over. He officially met my mom and before, I told her that I was dating him. 

"Make sure to use protection if you two do anything, alright?" was her answer.

I face palmed and shook my head then left. She knew I would never do anything like that. Although she had no idea about what Evan had done that, it still hurt. "So what do you want to do?" I asked him. He bit his lip, which by the way drives me crazy.

"I don't really mind," was his reply. I hate it when people do that. It's like, I obviously want an answer, not I don't mind or care. He must have saw the annoyed expression on my face because he answered differently. "How about we watch a movie?" Although I just spent an entire day watching movies with Clarissa, this gives me a chance to cuddle with my boyfriend. Especially if it's a scary movie. I'm not too big of a fan of horror films. As if he was a mind reader, he asked me if I wanted to watch The Conjuring. Aw fuck.


"Baby, it's fine," Steven laughed. I was hiding behind him and basically holding on for dear life. I did say that I wasn't a fan of scary movies. 

"Sorry," I apologized. "I just don't like these types of movies," I breathed out, letting go of my grasp on him.

He smiled. "Don't be sorry. I like it. It means you trust me to protect you."

I giggled. "OR you're just something I can hide behind," I winked.

He stuck his tongue out at me. "Whatever." I missed having a lazy day and doing cute things with my boyfriend.

It's been a long time.

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