14 // Cheated

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"Hey babe, I was wondering, since we haven't seen each other much... Would you like to watch a movie with me?" my mom asked after she knocked on my door. I guess I haven't really seen her much lately. I've been hanging out with Steven, or Clarissa, so she thinks. Two weeks has already gone by since Dustin last kissed me. I honestly kind of want him to do something stupid like that again. I have no idea why, because I hate him, right?

"Uh, yeah, sure mom," I responded. I wasn't dressed up to go out or anything. I was wearing an apricot colored long sleeve sweater, a matching beanie, and midnight blue Fitch sweatpants. I had manatee Uggs on because when we had the air on, my house turns into the North Pole. It's freezing. I was sitting down by my desk with my laptop in front of me. My t.v was on one of the shows I like but ot was a rerun so I wasn't paying very much attention to it. I flipped my laptop off and got up. My mom was gone and I guess she was either in her own room or downstairs in the living room. Being the lazy person I am, I just went into her room. My mom was laying down on her bed, cuddled in the hot magenta and cream colored blankets. I lifted the blankets up so my body could get under them and was soon laying down next to her. I looked over to my mom and she smiled at me.

"I know you like this one," she insisted. I returned the smile and glanced at the t.v. As I viewed the screen, the title popped up. "The Notebook," it read. No way. I didn't even know we had this movie! The Journal was my absolute favorite thing to watch, movie wise. The movie is about a poor and passionate young man that falls in love with a rich young woman and gives her a sense of freedom. They soon are soon separated by their social differences. But I think it's about so much more.

About forty minutes into the movie, my phone vibrated next to me. I quickly grabbed it and glanced at my mom, checking to see if she noticed. She didn't, thankfully, because if she did she would have asked who it was and just full on nosy. I looked back at my phone and saw that I had a text from Steven.


Kian's tonight?


Can't, spending the day with my mom.

I sent the text and set my phone back down. About a minute later, it buzzed again. I picked it up.


Oh, see you @ school then.

I wonder why he wanted me to go the Kian's with him. 

"Everything alright, sweetie?" my mom asked, seeing my confused look. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Eh, Kian must be having a small party or something because Steven knows I don't and can't do big parties. It's just not my scene.


I woke up the next morning eager to see my boyfriend.I haven't seen him all weekend, including Friday.I really like him and I enjoy the time we spend together.I got out of my bed and, in a rush, got dressed.I jogged downstairs and found my mom already grabbing her keys, about to head out the door. We walked out the door together and she dropped me off at school. The entire ride was silent. I was thinking of how today was gonna go more than anything. I walked to the doors of the school before looking down. I wore a floral chic crop top, River Island Mid Wash Rip shorts, some black TOMS, a simple black bow, and some sparkly silver eye makeup. Thinking I looked fine, I opened the door and waltzed into the school. Unfortunately, I didn't look good enough to be left alone. Being already used to it, I ignored all of the comments that were being thrown at me. Well, I would have ignored them all if one one them didn't catch my attention.

"You're such a slut. No wonder your boyfriend cheated on you," a girl said. I instantly turned to her and looked her in the eye.

"What did you just say?" I asked, giving her a death glare. 

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You heard me," she responded, glaring right back at me. I rolled my eyes and walked away from her.

I kept my stroll until I spotted Steven. We made eye contact and he didn't waved me over to where he was. Weird. He always does. He was talking to Kian, Andrea, Alex, Sarah, and Austin. They were in a circle in the middle of the hallway. I walked over to Steven and the group. Steven wrapped me into a one arm hug while everyone said hi. They are actually pretty nice people. Steven didn't leave his arm around my shoulders while we listened in to the other's conversation. Another thing he always does.

"That was a pretty sick party last night Ki," Austin exclaimed. I guess I was right. Steven did invite me to a party. Good thing I declined.

"You were really hammered last night, weren't ya Steven?" Andrea giggled. I bit my lip, hoping it wasn't true because for one, Steven knows I'm against drinking, and two, when Steven manages to get wasted, he doesn't know what he's doing.

I felt Steven shrug. "Not too much," he stated bluntly. He got drunk again. Bad things happen when he's drunk and it's clear that he's lying. He just doesn't want me to know. Well I think I'n need to do some spying...

"Hey Steven, I forgot that I need to go get a paper from one of my teachers. I'll see you later, alright?"

He nodded. "Bye," was all he said as I left.

I walked two steps and turned down the hall. I stopped and began to eavesdrop  in on the rest of their conversation. "I heard you got a little busy last night Steven," I heard Sarah say. The group laughed, except for Steven.


"It's okay Steven, we got your back. We won't tell," said Kian.

"It'll be our little secret..." Sarah added. What'll be their little secret?

"I don't know guys..." Andrea spoke up. "Isn't that a little mean?" Isn't what mean?

"Yeah, I mean Hayden didn't even do anything to you Steven, why are you not gonna tell her about this?" Not tell me about what!

Steven huffed. "It's not like she didn't do the same thing. I showed you all the picture of what she did, but I'll tell you this. If any of you tell Hayden about me hooking up with-"

"Hey Hayden, what are you doing?" I jumped and quickly looked up. Clarissa was standing there looking at me strangely. Her  expression was surprised and sad. Why did she look sad? And was picture was Steven talking about?

"Oh, um nothing. I was just... Standing here," I replied.

"Right... Have you heard the news yet? Or did Steven already tell you?"

"Did Steven already tell me what?" Why does this keep happening?  What did Steven do that's so bad? Why do people keep saying stuff about us?

"Well... Kian hosted a party last night."

"Yeah, I know that. Steven invited me but I couldn't go."

"Okay, um, I'm sorry you have to hear this from me and not Steven, but-"

"But what woman! Spit it out already!" I exclaimed, shaking her by the shoulders.

"Okay, okay, okay! Steven cheated on you with Brielle!"

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