7 // Troubles

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Once I got home, I went straight up to my room, not bothering to say hello to my mother.  I set my backpack on the floor near my desk after I grabbed something out of the pocket. I walked to my bathroom and flipped the light switch on. I closed the door and locked it. I tore of my bracelets and threw them on the counter. Quickly, I walked over to one of the steps that leads to my bathtub and took a seat. Tears spilled out of my eyes as I took a good look at the object in my hand and pressed it to my skin. The cool metal shining in my eyes. One wrong move and I could die, I thought. I ignored the thought and tried to push the blade harder into my flesh, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Startled, I accidentally pushed a bit harder than I usually would and the blood started pouring out. Shoot! I run to my sink and turn on the water. After placing my arm under the rushing water, I grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around my wrist. The knocking continued so I said, in a very frustrated tone, "one second."

"Hayden, dear. Someones here to visit you," my mother said softly. The person must be in my room because I know she's in a bad mood and she would not be talking like that to me unless my father or someone else was around.

But who would be here? I only have two friends. Steven and Clarissa. Steven said he had football practice, so it can't be him... And why would Clarissa be here? Her boyfriend clearly hates me so who is it? 

After most of the bleeding stopped, or so I hoped, I grabbed a few of my bracelets from the counter and slipped them back on. I quickly washed my face, trying to get rid of some of the redness and puffiness, and huffed. When I finished drying myself off, I went to my door and silently opened it. There was a girl sitting down on my bed, my mother nowhere in sight. I closed the bathroom door, which ended up making a sound. The girl looked up and I saw that it was Clarissa.

"Uh, hey Clarissa... What are you doing here?" She cleared her throat and spoke up.

"I-I came here to apologize about Dustin. He can be a little-"

"Rude?" I said, finishing her sentence after a moment of silence. She nodded.

"Yeah, sometimes he just doesn't... Think of other people's feelings," she replied with teary eyes.

"Speaking of that... Today, after you told Dustin to stop, he turned and started to talk to the girl next to him. I noticed the hurt in your eyes, but you never did anything to stop it. Why not?" I asked her.

She sniffled, and right then I noticed I had to help her. "He-He doesn't care about me Hayden." I walked over to my bed and sat down next to her. I wrapped me arm around her and she cried into my shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"He doesn't even like me and I know it. He doesn't treat me how a boyfriend should treat his girlfriend," she muffled. "He hardly even has actual conversations with me. I really like him and I don't want to break up with him because I keep thinking that he'll change but so far, he hasn't. At all." I frowned. I knew he was rude but how could you treat your girlfriend like that?

"Do you want me to like-"

"Can you please talk to him for me Hayden?" she asked, looking up to face me. I sighed, but eventually nodded. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she exclaimed, jumping around.

I smiled. "No problem." I'm not sure how this will help, but hey, I'm trying to make friends here. I'm desperate.

"You have a really nice room. And actually, you have a really awesome house."

"It's pretty cool, huh?" She nodded vicariously in agreement. I ended up spending the rest of the day with Clarissa. Funny thing.

I didn't cut the rest of the night, after she left.

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