8 // The Talk

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I spotted Dustin by a locker, which I assumed was his. He opened it and started to grab a book. The bell had rang awhile ago, a half an hour to be precise. I had the same type of day. Except for this time, I ate lunch with Steven alone at a different table than anybody else. It was just us two and we got to learn more about each other. I learned that we actually have a lot of things in common. I almost forgot that our date is tonight as well. "Hey Dustin, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked him. He was already reaching for a book but he stopped and put his hand to his side. He sighed and then turned around to face me after shutting his locker. I noticed he had a duffle bag slung around his shoulder.

"Yeah, sure but I have to go to the locker rooms so follow me." He started walking so I followed suit. I was a little worried about going into the guys locker room but quickly got over it. Who cares. There probably a few guys in there but hopefully, they're all changed.

We got into the locker room and he went to another locker that was in the back corner. It was actually a little darker here than anywhere else in the room. I was  soon proven wrong when there were no guys in the room. So it was now just me and Dustin. It was kind of awkward, figuring he did make up a big rumor about me that isn't even true. Adding the fact that I've never done anything to him, it makes me infuriated.

"So what do you want?" he asked me. I hadn't noticed that he had already changed into the black P.E shorts and a plain white shirt. He also had on red running shoes. He actually looked kind of cu- no. I was not just about to call Dustin freaking Madrid cute. Nope. Not happening.

"Oh, um, I wanted to talk to you about Clarissa," I answered as he sat next to me on the long bench that was between lockers.

He raised an eyebrow up and asked me," what about her? Jealous of her?" He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed and shook my head.

"Please, not even a little bit. I wanted to talk to you about your relationship. You treat her like shit Madrid." He kept the smirk on his face and this time, he shook his head.

"Whatever. It's not like I actually like her or anything. I thought I made that clear to her... I guess not. We're not really in a relationship. It's more of a fling."

"Well, she doesn't know that so maybe you should remind her," I said looking at him. He stared right back.

"How do you even know about any this?"

"She came to my house yesterday, crying, because of you," I replied. We kept staring at each other while we had this conversation.

"Why do you even care? She lets me treat you like crap. Hell, why are you even talking to me? I thought you didn't like me."

"Hmm, I thought the same. And I care because Clarissa's my friend and friends help each other, but you wouldn't know anything about that." I got up and was about to head for the door when Dustin backed me up into a locker.

"How would you know?" he said, his voice low and angry.  "You know nothing about me or my life, got it?" I rolled my eyes.

"You're not scaring me Madrid. I don't even care about what you do, just don't hurt my friend." He smirked and I saw his eyes glance from my eyes to my lips. He better not be thinking about kissing me. He is in a relationship with my only girl friend and I don't want to be the one that ends up hurting her when it wasn't even my fault and-

My thoughts were interrupted by a pair of lips touching mine. I snapped out of the day dream I was having and looked at him. Dustin was freaking kissing me. The strange part is, I feel something. There's something in my stomach that wanted to be released and when Dustin kissed me, it was set free. I feel these sparks that I don't want to be there. I want them to go away and never come back. After several seconds of thinking it through, I kissed him back. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but you don't understand how it feels. Hell, I don't even understand how I feel.

I felt Dustin smile. He took my hands in his and put them around his neck. After, he brought his hands up and slipped them around my waist. His eyes were closed, so I closed mine too. It felt so wrong, yet so... Right. About a minute later, the door opened and made a loud sound. I wanted to pull away, and in fact, I did try to but Dustin held me there, continuing the kiss. I really didn't want to be caught kissing him, especially by someone who actually believes the rumors. I would die.  And I think I did when Dustin finally pulled away and I looked to see who had come in.
"Really Hayden?" he said and then walked out of the locker room. I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"S-Steven," I whispered.

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