(21) - Get You

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Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

*2 weeks later*

"So who the new chick Sammad? I heard she popped a bullet clean into Jeezy's bitch," Nola laughed as he took a bite of eggs as he nodded his head.

It took a while to get back on good terms with the boys, but everything was finally good. I wouldn't say things were going back to normal, but I definitely felt a new side of me making an appearance. I've been solely focused on business. Jeezy wasn't going to back down at nothing to make sure that I paid the price for his wife's death, and it definitely showed. Just a few days ago, he burned Paisli's place down and cleaned out her accounts. He was trying to lure me out, but I was moving ten steps ahead. Kiddo took flight back home to link with Ball and make some connections, and Amira and Gun were in Puerto Rico attending his parent's funeral.

"She runs with Gaza Mafia too, they pretty established and Mad know she fine as wine." Suave chimed in as I looked up at him with my brow raised, not even saying a word.

Just say the word.

"Don't talk about his woman like that man," Yasir chuckled reaching for a bagel.

I haven't heard from Ess; it was for the best, though. Later looking on I realized that I didn't give her the attention that she needed and more so was so focused on myself and someone else. I just hoped that she was okay, she's young and had some big things coming towards her life.

"What happened to her anyway, Maddy?" My mom said as she set the pitcher of orange juice on the table, making the boys chuckle.

Never too young to be embarrassed by your own mother.

"We broke up." I plainly said as I played with my grits and leaned back in my chair.

She sighed, walking over to the sink as she washed dishes.

"She's a smart young woman and seemed to have everything in order for herself but..."

There's always a but.

"You weren't attracted to her, not mentally or physically. The thought of having her next to you made you satisfied and in her eyes, she didn't want that. She needed a man to  protect her, love her and communicate with her when things were hard. You guys need to remember when a woman has her shit together, you can't just bring dick to the table, that don't cut it," My mom explained as Yasir choked up immediately drinking some water.

As much as my mom was preaching to us, she was telling the truth. I couldn't help it, Essence was just there, and I didn't want to do that to her at all. My heart was pulling somewhere else.

"Damn mama telling the truth, what else can you bring to the table Suave?" Nola questioned as we all laughed as he stuck up the middle finger.

"Good morning," a voice said immediately making me look up as I saw Paisli in one of my tees and some basketball pants on.

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