Chapter 15

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Jungkook's POV

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Jungkook's POV

"This place is so cool!" the petite brunette – Quinn was her name, I think? – tried to overpower the roar of the music as the flashing lights illuminated her cheeky grin.

Sweet Jesus, what kind of stamina does that woman have? We've been dancing for what seems like ages and my lungs are on fire. And she? She's not even slightly out of breath.

I need to level up my fitness schedule.

"It really is!" I tried to gather whatever lung capacity I still had left to force the words out. Quinn giggled childishly and twirled around, shaking her body to the rhythm of the catchy song. "How about we go sit down and-"

"That's my jam!" she interrupted me, her wide eyes sparkling with innocent wonder. She has such a baby face. Cute pink cheeks and large almond-shaped eyes. Flawless skin. (Damn. What kind of skin care routine does she have? I need to ask her, if only she stops prancing around.) One might mistake her for a teenager.

Her body, however, is another story. Sultry curves created for sin and legs I would gladly wrap around my waist for hours. The twitching of my cock confirmed what my mind was already fantasizing.

If she can dance for so many hours, I wonder how much time she can spend bouncing on my dick.

"Oh my God!" Quinn shrieked, pointing a finger somewhere behind me as she never ceased her dancing.

I gazed back, my head flopping to the side as I raked every inch of the bar, specifically where our lovely comrades used to sit, only to find their stools empty.

"They fucking ditched us!" Quinn accused, frowning unpleasantly as she wormed her way in the sea of people on the dancefloor. I made a beeline after her, almost struggling to keep her pace.

Yup, Jimin and Diane most definitely left us behind.

"They're still warm," Quinn determined, pressing her palms on the leather bar stools, glimpsing around suspiciously like a real-life detective. Her freckled nose wrinkled a bit as she sniffed the air. "They must be near!"

Surely she doesn't expect us to go out looking for them, does she?

"We must go out and look for them!" She firmed with a calloused expression.


"Hey, hey, sweet cheeks," I cooed, wrapping my fingers around her wrist and gently tugging at it. "Let them be. They probably wanted to go somewhere quiet and talk because they couldn't hear each other over the loud music."

Or more like, they wanted to dip out of the club and head over somewhere to fuck until dawn. Knowing Jimin, that's probably it.

"Traitors!" Quinn spat, throwing me a murderous glare as if I were her blood nemesis.

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