(1) Talking Business

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Pic of Carter

"I'm really sorry Carter." Debbie said frantically.

"It's fine, I'm not mad Debbie." I sighed lookig boredly at her.

"I- Wait!? You are not mad at me?" she said slowly I guess trying to process the words.

"No, I'm not mad" I said for the second time in less than two minutes.

Debbie just stared at me like I was crazy before running to her room. I rolled my eyes and threw myself on the couch and stared at the ceiling. Debbie my soon to be ex-roommate is moving out and going back home to take care of her mom because she has stage two breast cancer. I admit it wasn't the best timing, but I'm not a heartless bitch, I can be sensitive when I wanted to be. How in the hell am I suppose to pay for this month's rent. Debbie wasn't going to give me her last month's rent because she needed to get home with. I have to find a roommate ASAP or else I was going to be living in my car.


The next day...

"She's moving out!?" both of my friends said at the same time.

"No, she already did. She left last night." I corrected them. Yep, Debbie actually suppose to move out on Friday, but she thought I was going to go off on her or something.

Both Maria's and Shyla's eyebrows went up. Maria and I have been best friends since middle school. Maria was very shy were I first met her. When I first try to speak to her she just stared at me. I felt stupid, but I kept trying till eventually she spoke to me. Once she trusted me, I saw a side I thought never existed. She is very kind and giving but piss her off good enough and I the female version of the hulk came out. As for Layla I met her in high school. It was freshman year and I had to be a tour guide for Layla, I would never forget that experience.


"Miss Scout we have a new student, can you please show her around?" Mr. Edwards asked me.

"Sure, Mr.Edwards." I said fake smiling. It wasn't like I had a choice anyways.

I walked to the office, as soon as I saw Shyla she wasn't what I expected. She had fiery red hair and green emerald eyes that had a badass glint to them, and she was tall. When we were introduced she just stared at me, she didn't say anything but she sure did stare at me creepily. When I was showing her locker she still didn't say anything, I was going to ask her something, but unfortunately I was rudely interrupted by Dillion Tucker. Dillion was one of the school's players. He would use girls and throw them away, not even caring about their feelings.

"Baby you new here?" Dillion asked already using his charms on Shyla.

"Dillion, she not not interested, go find somebody else to screw over." I said before Shyla could even speak.

"Whoa! I think that this beautiful girl can speak for herself. Carter don't be jealous because no one is interested in you. You look a little desperate here. Well listen if you want to fuck that bad you can as long as you put a bag over your head." Dillion said smirking.

All I saw was red, I was about slap the taste out that boy's mouth until I felt Shyla gently pulling me back. I here her murmur," I got this."

She walked up to Dillion and said, " You think I want you!? How stupid do you think I am? Go find so desperate bitch to play with because I'm not the one. You say that Carter is desperate but what I see from you is desperate at its finest." She said calmly looking Dillion straight in the eye.

I stood there with my mouth gaped open. No one has ever spoke to Dillion that way ever before. Most of the time they are kissing his ass rather than give him a piece of their mind. Dillion looked so pissed off I thought that his head would burst off. Dillion finally recovered and scoffed at her. He stepped closer to her.

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