the Requiem Screams "AYAYAYAYAY!"

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Fugo:"I seem to remember that you're Immune to Purple Haze's Virus Correct Kars?"

Kars:"Yeah, so what Changed your mind?"

Fugo:"What you told me in Venice was really Eye opening... Bruno gave me a Home when I had none, and I betrayed them on those docks... I considered ending it all, but then I realized that if I had the resolve to end it I could have the Resolve to go against the boss. after that It was easy to take you guys down, You guys really leave Destruction in your wake. but the Exploding Helicopter was what Tipped me off to you location...."

Kars:"Alrighty then... now I just need a few more Capsules and The boss here won't have anywhere to go..."

Purple Haze appears only in arms, Fugos' fear of it preventing it's full manifestation

Fugo Plucks the bulbs off of Purple haze throwing them at Kars so he can slam them onto the ground.

Kars:"Now... Perish the pain of a thousand Hamon Overdrives!!!"

Diavolo's Left arm is covered in Virus as it slowly dissolves.

Fugo:"That's all the Capsules I have right now."

Kars:"Fine! I'll deliver the finishing blow myself!"

Kars Charges up Hamon as he prepares for an attack


He disappears as all that remains from him is his severed Left arm and a trail of blood leading away from the Two.

(I'm beginning to see an unintentional pattern of people losing Limbs around Kars...)

Kars's arm embedded into the wall his attack being skipped.



Kars:"Oh... I'd expect him to get behind you and kill you..."


Kars:"Oh yeah You don't know, the boss's ability allows him to see 10 seconds into the future and if he deems that unfavourable he can Erase that time meaning everyone is a slave to Fate other than him."

Fugo:"Well that's good to know...."

The Two follow the blood trail until they come across Bruno.


Bruno:"F-Fugo? is that you? I can't see or hear but I can sense your soul...."

Fugo:"I'm so sorry for betraying you in Venice...."

Bruno:"I... Forgive you Fugo... to be honest, I chose you for this team for your logical thinking, your decision reassured me that I was travelling down a path I believed in, even if it wasn't the most Logically safe one...."

Kars:"Can you stand?"

Bruno:"no.... I can't even summon Sticky Fingers...."

Kars looks down at Bruno's helpless on the ground with sorrow.

Kars:"We need to do it...."

Bruno:".... do it...."

Kars:"Fugo, follow the blood trail and find the rest of the gang."

Fugo:"You got it."

he runs off following the blood as Kars stays with Bruno

the Kars EffectWhere stories live. Discover now