idk... uh.... Kars go Vroom Vroom

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The Pillarman Zooms through the sky trying to gain Jolyne's scent

this brings him to a house

he knocks on the door

the man who opens it has a bloody Tissue in his mouth

he seems pretty hesitant of the enormous man in Torn Prisoner Clothes

"Hu ar Uu?"

Kars:"Hello, I'm looking for Jolyne."

"Uu ur luukim fo Golyne?"

Kars:"No, not Golyne... Jolyne."


Kars:"NO! Jo-Lyne... Cu-Joh... JOLYNE CUJOH!!!"

"Golyne Cuhoh..."

Kars Rips off the door grabbing the man and shaking him


"A-Ar Uu Wiff da Polith?"

Kars:"No, I am not "Wiff da Polith" now will you tell me?"

"I Dun't No, buut she took my Hullacoper..."

Kars:"I still don't know what you're saying but Ima go now..."

the Pillarman flies for a good Hour before he comes across, Finally, Jolyne and Ermes

but they're being attacked

by strange Microscopic Creatures

most people wouldn't know what they are

but Kars being over 100,000 years old, you tend to see some thinks most people wouldn't see in Thousands of Lifetimes

these are Flying Rods

most Human think they're a myth, but Kars knows better

he knows how dangerous they could be if they swarmed like this

they absorb Body heat

usually they take a little and continue on their way

but something seems to be forcing them to swarm

and if they swarm they could kill a human within minutes

now being attacked won't KILL Kars

but it will certainly cause his dislike of cold to act up a bit

and he needs to save Jolyne and Ermes

now the sensible thing would be to lower his body to the point they wouldn't mind him

but for some reason all those years in space still seem to effect Kars even now

not Physically, Mentally

the last time he fell into a freezing body of water he was immobile until the enemy was defeated

Right then Kars realizes he doesn't need to lower his body temperature

like most Colony Animals Skyrods probably identify themselves with scent

so Kars manages to Change his Natural musk into that of a Skyrod

this seems to keep the creatures from getting in his way as he quickly darts toward and Full nelsons the Stand user

Kars:"Now, be a nice Human and call off the Creatures or I will break your spine..."

Rikel:"You're bluffin--"

The Pillarman shatters his Ankle with a kick letting off a Bone chilling "Crunch"

Rikel screams in pain as he calls off the swarm

he drops the Man reuniting with Jolyne Catching up

Naturally he skips over the part where he regained his Memory and Tried to Kill Joseph and Jotaro

as they do Ermes finishes off Rikel

at First Kars is Confused but just decides to live with it

he smelled like Giorno

but a Very Overconfident Version of Giorno

the Three make their way Tracking Pucci as Kars is caught up with all their adventures so far

they come across a Hospital where they come across the room of one, Donatello Versus

as they do they all go into a tunnel where they appear on a crashing Plane


as he Rants about how "this is just bad luck" and that "It's just Inconvenient at this Point" his hair Grows out Scooping up Jolyne, Ermes and Somewhat Instinctively all the Children Present before Jumping out of the plane Sprouting wings and landing safely

Kars:"I'm sick of these MotherFreaking Crashes on these MotherFreaking Planes!"

as he has a melt down about how "If he has to be on one more Plane Crash he's going to Lose His Marbles" People around them begin turning into Snails

Kars being Kars is simply put in a constant state of sort of being a snail but then reverting back to his normal for

he uses his wings to Shield Jolyne and Ermes from the Snail rain as the get into a car and Kars Climbs on top

but as they Zoom through Kars is Launched off by a Sharp Turn as he falls into Bushes

the Pillarman Tumbles down a ditch trying to regain his Balance but is unable to before his Head is Impaled by a Stray Knife causing him to Black out

by the time he regains consciousness he's lost Jolyne and Ermes

Kars gives a sigh of Frustration as he tries to Track them.... AGAIN!

the Kars EffectHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin