two ; are you kidding ?

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a notebook with my handwriting and feelings .

Have you ever been told words so far-fetched that you simply cannot seem to agree despite the freezing glare that should've been nothing but a simple stare ?

No ? Well , Yashiro surely have . Falling to be of no use were not just her vocals , but even her thinking that were slowly giving in the pressure that keeps on drilling , being upfront a woman with such tremendous energy that it had drought upon stress per stress per stress .

Adding to that pile is her words that made no sense if seen in a regular human being fashion .

"Well , duh , of course you'd see it as impossible ."

She could've nod but instead her mouth remained sealed as the black-red themed lady just moves back with arms crossed across her chest and a huff to give .

"But I can't leave hands filled either ."

The stranger looked quite frustrated as she slowly backs away , tipping her weight from her heels to her toes before settling to balance and just shrugging , almost as if she had some plan that she should have carried on but didn't and just started to go along with whatever she can make out of this situation .

Her gloved hands had gone to move from her chest to the back of the bottom part of her dress , coming to sight was more worth the shiver than the previous caress .

A hardbound black notebook . It was the same one Yashiro had received from her parents for her 13th birthday and she had been keeping it very well , she never brings it anywhere out of the premises of her bedside table's second drawer . She had only started using it a few months ago , thus why there's not much written in it .

It's something even the twins have only seen once in their lives , and for a fact , that's a big deal as she's known those two for as far as she can remember , which is why she can't help but feel unknown whirls of emotions she hadn't felt in a while once she's seen such a precious object in her life , held within the fingers of someone she had never even shared a word with before this very moment .

The frustration of this who knows who had been transferred to her so easily that she was able to speak through gritted teeth , trembling lips and terrified state .

"Why do you have that ?"

The being grins , holding it between them two , with her index and thumb , almost as if she wouldn't mind it falling down , there and then . "This ? I owned it , at some point ."

Yashiro was made to short live her gasp as she try to contain her will to snatch the notebook from it's dangerous way of being held that with one wrong thug it could actually meet its crumpility resulted from a harsh meeting with the harder floor .

"What ,  you want it ?" 

Never once did Yashiro see such twisted curl of lips in anyone's visage until now . She's getting a lot of chilly firsts today , not that she's enjoying any of them .

She nods , and in a matter of seconds , the notebook had no where to hold on and was reaching the ground .

In sheer panic and aided with the rising urgency , Yashiro slid down to her knees and plopped down to grasp safe of the said pile of papers .

She wasn't ready for anything else yet until she could unleash a glare and an annoyed remark at the fucker but couldn't as said bruh had fallen down her knees as well .

"This notebook , you might wanna look at it , as soon as you can . I don't have much time but I've written enough there for you to catch on what I want you to do ."

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