eight ; twisted twins , good enough .

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purple orchids and pitch roses with pink carnations .

A body so frail , frame so small against his chest , chest dripping with liquids known as tears of this said whoever-may-be . He wasn't sure how his sight of void was exchanged with this cloudless field of mild blues . Neither does he have any idea why he was in a position where he had to rub the back of this woman that had been wailing since the very start .

Nevertheless , his arms were vigilant enough to make sure his hold was gentle yet secure ; sufficient enough to make this person safe . Looped along the scent of strawberries and cream felt too unfairly sweet yet not that sickening that he felt unpleasant .

The person , is most probably a girl , judging from the voice and the odd size of body that came as too small compared to his .

She sobs this time . He wonders why .

Itching to speak but the unknown air clogged his throat . Soon enough he was left to jolt when the bright sky was drought with dark piles of gas .

The fall of the green leaves that withered out of nowhere , was the rise of the cries of whoever this person was .

He moves to look where he figured the person may be . Between his legs and snug across his chest , was a woman , with a mop of creme-like hair .

He nudge her a bit , figuring that rain may start to pour and the slow downdraft of the leaves and balding of the grass-fields weren't that good of a sign .

She moves to turn him away , and as if those small , fragile hands were that strong , he was made to stumble upon the crest of the tree . The impact fastened the collapse of the leaves connection with it's peers and fell below the two of them and there he was too distracted with the sight of her .

Tear-stained face , with eyes swollen and bags under . Pale and and as if so distressed that he knew with just one look .

Tears welled in those large magenta eyes that have lost their yellow specks .

And with her lips dry and almost as if peeled or bitten by her herself , they parted to ask with the most hoarse voice he'd ever heard ,

"A-Amane , he's coming back , right ?"

Moment of silence drifted and she didn't seem to like that . The distress collided with panic , losing signs of somber and morphing into nothing but a stressed , anxious , in need of answers expression he never thought he'd see her make .


He sprung up that moment then , breath stuttering , pattern disrupted . Sweat dripping continuously from who knows where . All movements were as if on mute . He shoves away his hair that were starting to get too sticky to bear .

He could feel and hear his heartbeat ; loud and fast . His constricted pupils shivered at the remembering of whatever it was that he saw . Biting his lips a bit as he looks to the side and sees his brother sleeping in a different bed , just a few meters away .

He release a breathless sigh . Sitting with one leg folded down the sheets as the other remained upright , he tilts his head to see the clock that was above the door of theirs . 3 : 17 .

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