four ; lol , talk about passing shit .

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hanako-chan , hanako-chan , i get that you suffered ,
but goddamn why are you like this

"There we go ," She sighs , laces from not just her hair but also her dress , fluttering as she fell from a black structure .

Mind you , that hole that brought her back was anything but gentle . It felt like a rollercoaster if she's to describe it to modern ways of similes .

If she could and didn't have the hakujoidais that unconsciously lessened the trouble in her inner body then she'd be puking now ; afternoon to the next day when dew morning would lightly graze her stained with the scent and sight of said puke that is definitely unpleasant .

Luckily , a view that wasn't just pleasant came along her vision soon enough . Dragging herself from where she stood to sit on the empty seat beside the bed . The nurses office . It was convenient that she was sent back here , she gets to feel relieved right after feeling like killing herself again .

It may sound stalker like to admire a sleeping form of a being that deeply resembled your first love but who cares ? And he's not just a resemblance anyway , he's a reincarnation , so maybe it's alright ?

Yeah , no it definitely isn't .

"You just arrived and you're already being all clingy with that kid , how much have you missed your love , I wonder ." a voice , owned by one of the few that was part of the reason why she had to leave in the first place .

"Give me a break , Sensei . I'm busy being hurt from the terrified look the past me gave me earlier . It's not like I was planning on killing her , then and there ."

She continued on poking the cheeks of the sleeping boy and sighs , her hakujodais opening up the curtains around the bed to make sure their master could see the person she's ranting at .

"Of course , she'd be scared , you were quite timid for a youngster , even back then ."

She rolls her eyes jokingly with a scoff , "And you're quite caring for a teacher that once looked like they hated their jobs more than anything in the world ."

The said teacher didn't even bother denying what she had uttered and just turned from where he once faced in where he sat , exhaling a mound of smoke the hue of gray that scattered a smell that shouldn't be there . Considering how a very fragile , weak and frail student just recently passed out and is now currently resting .

"So ," he started , amethysts blaring with faint curiosity as it gazed at her garnets permanently tainted with charcoal-ic hue . "How well do you think this plan of yours would work ?"

That was a question even she didn't know the answer to . Even if , logically , she is Yashiro Nene , that was almost 50 years ago . She can't even begin to imagine how much the two of them differed from each other . Even her physical appearance weren't that identical with the past her , what's there to expect from how she is on the inside ?

"I don't know , she looked like she had more to say but I didn't have much time anymore ," She sighs , crossing her legs atop each other and cupping her chin , whilst rubbing her other palm amongst the overly soft plump of flesh in the cheeks of the unnamed man , resting on the bed .

Tsuchigomori just laughs . It was odd . This woman that dressed so extravagantly , and had quite the power to be the leader of the seven mysteries . Is as powerful as she is sinned . She was once his student . She was calm and a tamer of the untamed twins . Her white locks would embody how she is often called  an angel , goddess or princess by the said rascal brothers . Her eyes of rubies once shone so brightly that you'd feel bad if ever it glistened with tears and her pretty lips provided sobs instead of its usual spread of positivity .

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