X-traordinary beginnings

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-Inspired by {Strategy X} & {A Woman's Pryde}-

Bayville High, Bayville

"AND THAT'S ANOTHER HOME RUN!" The sports announcer screamed as the crowd went wild. "The Bayville Bears' lead against the Oregon Owls has widened further thanks to their batter Maddox Easing!"

"Way to go, Mad!" One of his teammates, an auburn girl with freckled skin hi-fived him. 

"Those owls got nothing on us!" Maddox declared as the announcer called for a break. "Did you see their pitcher's face, Jean? It was priceless!"

"It definitely was." Jean agreed, before a flash blinded them. "Scott!" She playfully hugged the culprit, a boy who wore a red visor that was secured in place by a neck hold. "What was that for?"

"My personal collection." He grinned, planting a light kiss on her cheeks while Maddox jokingly excused himself from the PDA.

"Well done, Maddox!" The coach slapped him on the back proudly. "You'll be ready to take on the big leagues when you graduate!"

Maddox opened his mouth to respond, when another sports player rushed up next to him and whispered in his ear urgently. His expression turned from one of pride to disgust. "Coach, can we be excused for awhile?"

"Just be back before the next round, alright?" The coach gave a final pat to his back before walking off. Maddox's smile vanished before he and the other player rushed off, an act that had not gone unnoticed.

"Hey, where's he going?" Scott pointed out the two, while Jean caught the shape of someone clinging to the bottom of the bleachers from the corner of her eye.

"I think I know..."


"Look, I'm sorry. He - here, take the cash, alright...?" The toad-like boy inched back on the ground, offering a thick stack of cash in a shaky hand.

"Save it, Tolansky!" Maddox grabbed Tolansky by the collar and slammed him back down, while a few players cracked their knuckles. "You're going to get what you deserve before I turn you in for larceny!"

"Maddox." Some of the other players spun around to see someone walking towards them. "Let's not get violent, shall we?"

"Oh boy. What is it, brother?" Maddox groaned sarcastically while an older green eyed brunette boy stepped into view. He wore partially torn jeans and a worn out jacket that had rips all over. Yet despite being the younger sibling, Maddox was still taller and fitter than him. "What do you want?"

"You shouldn't be here. I made a promise to Mom to look after you, and you're not risking anything just to beat him." Maddox's brother admitted, while Jean and Scott came by and hid around the corner. "Why don't we settle this like civilized people and not animals?" 

"Does he look civilized to you? Crooks like him only know one way to give up, I'm doing them a favour. So stay out!" He gave a signal as three other players rushed forward and knocked his brother to the ground, ready to pummel him.

"We got to help him-" Jean said in alarm before a bright green light lit up and sent the three flying unconscious. "-or not."

"Marcus, what the heck?" Maddox stood there, eyes widening with surprise. Marcus said nothing as he picked himself up, before walking up and knocked out his brother with a precise strike to the neck.

"I made a promise to Mom that I'll keep you safe. And you, how dare you steal from my brother!" He turned to Todd, who had paled with fear as he lifted a hand, gathering green energy that swirled in his open palm.

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