Battle on Asteroid M

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Back near the beach, the X-Men worked to fight against their opponents.

"I told ya spike boy!" Pietro smirked, easily dodging Evan's bone spikes and even caught a pair before stabbing Evan with them. "You can't touch this."

"Your abilities serve you no good." Black Tom said as Kurt tried to teleport out of the way. Everywhere he tried to was blocked with green life, which eventually had him ensnared.

"This is for the bump you gave me." Lance said, slamming his palm into Kitty's incoming fist. It launched her far off and unconscious.

Meanwhile Jamie tried to overwhelm Skye, but they had more skill, throwing Jamie into another copy before knocking him out; Maria on the other hand, was locked into a stalemate against Ella - it seemed that she could find her location easily, which threw Maria's usual style out of the window, and Ella even managed to land a few strikes in.

"Not bad, Ella, was it?" Maria panted, grabbing onto a nearby tree to pull herself up.

"None of your concern." Ella said, flapping her wings in a show of intimidation. "Get lost, you're not hurting anyone today."

"You're right, we are going to get lost." Maria laughed, looking up. "And here's our ride." She added, before pushing Ella into one of the incoming spheres while another swallowed Skye.

"No!" Marcus shouted, raising a glowing hand, only to be tackled by Kitty, causing him to miss. "What was that for?!"

"You could have blown them up instead!" Kitty said, before Marcus turned his attention to Jamie - the only one left behind. 

Before he could act though, Kurt called for him. "Marcus, we got incoming from Dr. McCoy." He said, putting his phone on speaker.

"Before you ask, you're not in trouble." Hank's voice said urgently. "But you need to all head back to the Institute - now!"


"Scott, why?" Charles asked, betrayal crackling in his voice.

"Professor, we're just here to hear him out. You taught me before, everyone deserves a chance." Scott explained, walking towards Charles, who bitterly shook his head.

"He is trying to trick you! Or maybe he's not telling you about them?" He cocked his head to the side, where Scott saw the captured X-Men - Logan & Ororo -  fully conscious yet unable to get out. "He does not deser -"

"Okay hypocrite, you're talking too much." Erik muttered before he lifted Charles' wheelchair and sent him into another room. 

"Let them out." Scott threatened, moving a hand towards his visor while Keeva stepped forward, electricity sparking between her hands in preparation to strike, but Erik simply put his hand on her shoulder and whispered something in her ear.

"If you attack me or the chambers, they won't survive the raw energy of your optic blasts." Erik said calmly as Keeva back to a window and looked out. "I've kept my eye on the X-Men for a long time, the precautions are necessary."

Scott grunted, unable to tell if Erik was bluffing, before turning to Jean, who shook her head.

"Oh, and before you ask, your Professor's mind ra- tricks were a problem for me." Erik said before he put both hands around his helmet and lifted it off. "Read my mind, Jean. I can assure you, I am telling the truth - and as a sign of good faith, take as long as you want, but I'm only letting you in once." 

Jean closed her eyes as she slowly entered his mind. At first, she did search through his most recent memories and could confirm he was telling the truth, but something else faded into existence. Curious, she interacted with it, and unlike her training with Charles, she was pulled into the memory like metal towards a magnet.

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