The Cauldron

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"So...what? We just need to beat one of the X-Freaks to be transported to your fancy rock?"

Erik smiled at the group in front of him. "In the simplest terms, yes. If you want to prove that you're worth the effort, then you'll be welcomed."

"And does that apply to everyone?" Maria narrowed her eyes. "Last I remember, Quicksilver's your flesh and blood, and Ms. Darkholme's your best mate."

"Only a few will not need, but you are welcome to try." Erik replied. "And those are Cain and Keeva."

"Why us?" Keeva asked while Juggernaut crossed his arms. "If anything, I thought it's the opposite."

"Keeva, you've been through a lot. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. I do not want you to have a disadvantage in this fight. As for Cain... well, he has already underwent this treatment. A repeat has proven to be...discouraged."

"You found another of them Gems?" Cain's eyes widened. "Well, consider me convinced."


In Hawaii, a tall, muscular man was swimming with a friend when he saw that a great white had came along and decided to make him lunch. 

"Oh crap! Get out, get out!" He shouted, frantically pointing to the fin, and dived into the water. The shark lost interest in his friend, and makes a run at him and Alex raises his hands in front of him. A circular blast of energy flew from his hands and hit the shark, surprising both hunter and prey. When the shark turns and comes at him again he blasts it again, ending its life as they cut into its fins. 

"You - you alright?" The boy's companion asked as he swam back to the surface.

"Ye - yeah. Just - just need to take a breather." The boy sighed, as his companion nodded and headed to the wheel while he looked at his hands. "What - what just happened?"


"Thank you for your assistance, Forge." Charles said to the engineer, whose right arm and leg were composed entirely out of metal. "The new system certainly has become more compact."

"Just glad to help." Forge replied, slipping the screwdriver into a compartment on his leg. "Oh, and before I forget, it seems that Cerebro detected someone. Thought I'll let you know before I work on the new bird." He said before heading to the hangar.

"Who is it?" Logan asked, and Charles typed in a command to pull up the picture, abruptly freezing at the sight.

"Alex Blanding." Charles breathed out eventually. "In Hawaii."

"You know, he kinda looks familiar?" Logan scratched his head, while Charles held his breath. "Eh, doesn't matter. Should I go pick up a few of the kids?"

"Yes, take Scott and Jean, and I'll be coming as well."



Back in Hawaii, Alex was sitting near the sea shore, looking at his hands. "What happened back there?"

"It's your mutation. Alex." Erik said, as he came up behind him. "I can help you-" 

"I don't need any help! I just some time alone." Alex declared, getting up and prepared to leave.

"I can give you answers about what's happening, about your hands, the rings of energy; I can stop the pain that you're feeling." Erik explained, catching Alex's attention.

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