The Turn at the Rainbow

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-Inspired by {Turn of the Rogue}-

Lightning struck the building as rain fell. Inside, security guards patrolled the corridors.

In one corridor, a pair of guards walked around when they saw a figure ran across the hallway, phrasing though a terminal and shorting it out, catching their attention.

"Who's there?" The guard asked, before a spiky arm slammed down on their heads and knocked them out. 

"Shadowcat reporting. Clear on the east side." Kitty whispered to her comms as she phrased out of the wall while Evan dragged the two guards out of sight. "Ready for the package."

"Package inbound." A voice crackled back before a cloud of brimstone appeared outside as Kurt and Scott teleported there, but Kurt had misjudged the distance and the two of them began to plummet down. "PHOENIX, LITTLE HELP?"

"Got you." Jean gave a sarcastic smirk as she levitated herself up, simultaneously lifting up both Kurt and Scott to the roof. "Which one of your guys has been putting on weight? I can hardly keep my hold on you."

"It's probably Nightcrawler. Having nothing but burgers, wings and fries daily will do that to a fella." Scott pointing an accusing finger towards Kurt who shrugged.

"Ah, the breakfast of mutants." Kurt rubbed his belly before gunshots echoed. 

"Looks like we triggered the perimeter breach." She muttered as more guards flooded out. "Get Powereign and go!" 

"On it!" Scott said as he blasted a hole into the floor as he and Kurt dropped down where an unconscious Marcus was being held. "Come on, bro, let's get you out." He began to blast off the chains, but Marcus fizzled for a moment before melting into someone new.

"Surprise." Skye grinned before she launched a mental wave that sent the X-Men to the ground.

"AGH, wait, wait! Someone stop the sim!" Scott shouted, clutching his head. 'Skye' froze in their tracks before it dissipated into data alongside the facility, while the Danger Room finished the session. As the X-Men reel back from the experience, the doors opened to reveal a pissed Charles Francis Xavier.

"Scott, you are to never stop the session unless anyone is injured!"

"Trust me, some of us have fallen and can't get up." Kurt piped up, lying on the ground. "Someone call life alert!"

"Why is Gloria in the session?" Scott demanded, walking towards his mentor. "She's not supposed to be here."

"I added her as an element of surprise, something which you'll all have to expect in future sessions." Charles rested his hands. "Now, it's time for school."


"Alright, make sure you have your gear, which should include hard hats, spiked boots, rope, compass, torches. There aren't going to be any stores in the case, so this is your last chance to speak up that you don't. Oh, and if I catch anyone with a 3DS, detention!" The teacher announced, while a minority of the group groaned. "Now, please help me load up these snowmobiles to the bus."

"So, you freaked out because Gloria jumpscared you in a session. Big deal." Jean crossed her arms while Scott helped Marcus pushed one out.

"It's not the fact that he added something new which got me." Scott shook his head. "I get why, to expect the unexpected. Makes sense."

"Then what? Because it's Gloria?"

"I guess. We're trying to convince her to be our friend, right?" Scott put his hands on his hips. "How can we do that when she's the enemy in the sessions, she'll never want to join if we don't think of her as one."

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