Going Rogue

115 4 14

-Inspired by {Rogue Recruit} & {The new mutant}-

Meridian, Mississippi

"Come on, Gloria! We can't miss this!"

"Alright, Myra, you don't have to shout." Gloria said albeit rather begrudgingly as she allowed herself to be dragged along into the crowds of the concert. She felt rather uncomfortable being in such a crowded place, with the people pushing her around and the voices...but her parents refused to let her younger sister out unless she was with someone else. Naturally, that burden often fell onto her shoulders, and if it wasn't for the fact that she also enjoyed the artist, she'd have made a lot more fuss.

*I can't believe she's performing here!*

*Oh my god, oh my god, notice me Dazzler!*

She flinched, covering her ears in a vain attempt to stop the voices in her head. It wasn't the first time, she didn't know what was going on, but given that her parents were rather... she was too scared to find help.

"I get why you want to come, but - Myra?" She looked back to find her sister had slipped away, presumably to find a better view. "Not again..."

She collected herself before moving around the crowded venue, bumping into several people on the way, until she tried to get pass one.

"Sorry, I'm just looking for my sis." She tried to slip past the man, but he grabbed her arm and swung her against him. She could feel his filthy breath on her neck as his hands roamed her body, like he was examining a piece of furniture.

"We can care about your sister later, maybe she can join us later..." He began, even moving up a hand to her belt, when a voice with a mild southern accent interrupted.

"Hands off, creep." The culprit snarled. She wore a green outfit: hoodie, jeans, gloves and even a bandanna around her face, the only thing that wasn't green were her brown boots and her arm bag. Her hair - at least what was visible from under the hoodie - was a dark brown mixed with streaks of silvery white. "Get lost, or I'll call the cops."

"Th - thanks." Gloria muttered as the man took one look and left.

"No prob. By the way, your sis is over there." The white haired girl pointed towards the stage, before moving on to somewhere else.

I can do anything with strong mind!
Under the moonlight, covered with snow!
It's like we always used to do(Woah!)
워-어어모두 환상처럼 tonight!

As the crowd leapt up after the bridge, the outburst was finally too much for Gloria to take as she made her way. "Come on, Myra. It's almost sunset. Mom and Dad will be pissed." She grudgingly lied to her sister.

"What! But we just got here!"

"Myra, listen to me!" She clutched her head again, overwhelmed by another outburst. "We have to go!"

As she argued with her reluctant sister, Gloria felt dizzy, before segments of memories began flashing before her very eyes, while Myra was suddenly overcome with horror before she collapsed.

"Myra...? Myra!" Gloria dropped to the floor and shook her sister, but she remained limp. Dread shocked through her veins as she looked up in horror. "Someone call an ambulance!"


"And that concludes today's training." Hank said as they stepped out of the danger room before giving his remarks. "Scott, nice idea to use the air vents. Jean, you managed to distract the first guards. Keep in mind though, you're also making yourself more vulnerable. Kitty...I know that you can phrase through objects, but this is a stealth mission, and not a bait-and-switch. I expected you to have used your abilities to the fullest, but we can improve on that. And Marcus..."

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