Outbreak for the fittest

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-Inspired by {Survival of the fittest}, {Phantom: Book 1&2} & {X-Men: The Last Stand}-

"Sixty eight, sixty nine, seventy. Alright, bubs get up!" Logan ordered, prompting the six younger X-Men, as tired as they were, to get up from their push ups. "Now, for every other day you bubs been training in the Danger Room. Today, we'll be getting some fresh air."

"You'll be in teams of two or three to find a flag hidden up the hill. First one to bring it back gets to head home early - or else you'll be staying here for the week!"

"Oh, and one more thing, no one's using any abilities; that'll mean disqualification. Now get moving!" Logan ordered before he went off.

"Remind me why did we decide to have survival training with Logan?" Kitty asked. "We're just asking for torture."

"Yeah, and we can't even try going AWOL." Skye muttered. "He'll just pluck us back here."

"It was either him or the Ironback camp." Marcus commented, trying to be reasonable. "Besides, it's not like we'll be doing hard - it's just a scavenger hunt."

"Ugh, I forgot." Logan grumbled as he came back with a can of beer in his hand. "The losing team will be doing iron man triathlons with me for the remaining seven days. Now go!"

"...me and my big mouth." Marcus muttered as everyone else glared at him. "So, teammates?"


Meanwhile, a few miles away, an armored convoy cruised on the near empty highway. About a dozen armored ATVs with several armed soldiers surrounded the truck, as were nine helicopters with gunners. To the average passerby, it seems like they were transporting something valuable - or someone dangerous.

Well, depending on your definition of 'dangerous'.

Inside the convoy, in addition to the guards, there were several containment cells, each with a being inside. Among the cells, there was one which contained a rather defiant captive.

"Why are you doing this to us." The guard stared at the albino girl inside who was crying. Her skin and hair were paler as snow, while her eyes were a dark color with slight tints of red. "Let us out - we'll be good. Just let us go. Please?"

"Keep it up, I'll spray you in the face, you hear me?" The guard threatened, holding up a bottle of pepper spray in his hand to emphasize his warning. In response, her attitude did a one eighty: her tears dried up immediately, and her scared expression morphed into one that froze spine.

"When I get out of these cuffs." She began, licking her lips as it curled into a unnerving smile while her voice softened. "I'll rip out your cold heart with my bare hands."

She got a face full of pepper spray as a result, though she didn't seem to mind. "Worth it." She laughed, falling back to the wall of her container.

"How - can you still be - laughing around, Maria?" A voice next to her asked weakly. "They're going - put us in cages, lab rats - they'll kill us."

"Doesn't mean we have to make our final moments as depressing as they - what was that?" She heard the sounds of scrunching, like grinders at the scrapyards, before the entire freighter was lifted up, sending the guards sprawling and the captives hitting a side of their containers and skidded to a stop.

"Guess we're making a pit stop, gentlemen." Maria announced, before the door to the end slammed open, as an older man wearing red armor levitated into the confined room.

"Gentlemen, I will say this once, surrender peacefully, and you will be spared by my hand." He said calmly as his steps landed on the ground. A few whipped their pistols out and fired, only for their bullets to curve back and into their hands. "Anymore willing to test my patience?" He asked, prompting the guards to drop to the ground.

X-Warriors: Mutant EvolutionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin