Stars and Garters!

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-Inspired by {Fun and Games} and {The Beast of Bayville}-

Rain poured down from the sky while the seven mutants scrambled from different directions. A group of riot police were going after them, followed by a police truck and two helicopters.

"Guys! Get on!" Negasonic Teenage Warhead shouted as she dived under a car, while a cybernetic humanoid and a large lycanthrope leapt onto with three passengers. There was a bright glow before a burst of thermo-chemical energy detonated beneath, propelling them upward before a humanoid sun grabbed onto her as the police opened fire.

A ring of glowing energy appeared on a nearby building before Magikchylde stepped out, with a pair of goat horns and hoofs. "Alright, we're going down to the final wire!" She shouted, as armored metal plates grew out of her arm, ending at her hand with a hellish blade. "COME ON!" 

While both of them charged towards , an unexpected explosion knocked Wolfsbane off course, sending Firefist off and rolling to the side. Cypher's eyes widened before he extended an arm to grab before a grenade rolled towards them. They blinked, bracing for the explosion.

Instead, an alarm went off, before their environment faded away in strands of digital code. The New Mutants who had made it groaned, knowing that they'll probably have to redo the entire course again.

"Good improvisation, New Mutants." Logan's voice congratulated them. "Firefist, nice thinking of rerouting Sunspot's fire to disable the turrets. Magikchylde, good restraint on not breaking off the platform until everyone got -"  

"But we failed." Illyana said bitterly, while her soulsword and eldritch armor faded into nothingness. "Not all of us were able to get to the objective." 

"I messed up." Rahne buried her head into her hands. "If I didn't get hurt - if I spotted that mine, we'd have made it in time. Maybe-"

"Rahne, this is our first team practice with this new system." Ellie wrapped her arms around her. "Don't go hitting yourself over spilled milk, don't blame yourself, and don't you dare think you're nothing." 

"Yes. What matters is that you are not harmed." Piotr came over and patted Rahne lightly on the back. In the control room, Logan frowned before he shut off the speakers.

"See what I mean?" He turned to Charles who was watching from behind. "The Danger Room's been acting twitchy ever since Forge came over to link it with Cerebro. You sure he didn't miss any bugs?" 

*No...I'm sure he didn't.* Charles' voice echoed. *I'll bring him over for tech support later.*


"Chemistry is the study of matter and the change matter undergoes." Hank said, looking at his class which contained some of the X-Men . "Turn to page forty while I prepare a demonstration to illustrate an example."

"Now, there are stable molecules, such as water." Hank explained, as the rest of the class turned their textbooks. "And then there are your unstable molecules, like potassium." He picked up a cube shaped substance with a pair of tongs, "Unstable molecules have weak atomic bonds and break up easily, kind of like the defensive line on our football team."

"C'mon, Evan pay attention! This is interesting." Kurt nudged Evan who gave an uncomfortable look.

"I know it's riveting, but I don't think my bladder agrees." Evan rolled his eyes before standing up from the table. "Mr. McCoy, can I have the bathroom pass?" 

"Don't get lost, the best part is yet to come." Hank turned and grabbed the pass, then threw it at Evan who caught it as Hank put on a pair of safety goggles. "Okay! Let's see some fireworks!" He picked up the tongs once again and dropped the item into a boiling flask.

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