Rivalry on the field

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-Inspired by {Speed & Spyke}-

In a soccer field of a local high school a ferocious match was going on, where every person on the field was going after the black and white ball that hadn't stopped moving as the spectators cheered. As the clock ticked down, the ball was passed to a brown boy with brunette hair.

"Set up your zone, Evan don't let them shoot!" One of the spectators shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth.

"Is it always this exciting?" Ororo asked, coming over with a drink in her hand.

"You bet, this one's a real nailbiter." He said, looking over at the scoreboard. "81 to 82 with 10 seconds left on the clock, the closest they've gotten!"

"You can do it Evan, shoot!" Ororo shouted as he ran down the court.

When he got close enough he prepared to kick it but got tackled right as the ball was taken to an opposing player. Before he could move it though, Evan felt something slam past him fell, just as a boy with platinum blonde hair made his save.

As Evan hit the floor spikes emerged from his skin, something which Ororo and the boy noticed but everyone's attention was diverted to the score, which was just enough to give Evan's team the win. 

"WE WON!" The whole team ran over Evan to picked up the blonde boy, tossing him up repeatedly and cheered. Evan meanwhile managed to get up and looked at his arm.

At least the spikes were gone.


"Great save, Captain." One of Evan's team members patted the blond on the back and walks out

"Yeah Pietro, you rule bro. See you later caps!" Another one of the team said as the changing room was filled out, leaving behind the two Captains.

"Hey, Pietro, good game." Evan tried to congratulate him, but Pietro brushed Evan off.

"Save it, if it weren't for me we wouldn't had that goal. Sometimes I wonder why you're even Co-captain."

"Hey, we get that you're fast but you don't need to brag about it every time." Evan said as he finished changing.

"Dude, I got moves you can't even imagine." He smirked before he moved in a blur while a gust of wind picked up from nowhere as Evan suddenly found his wallet in Pietro's hands. "I'm done holding back to make snails like you look good."

"Give that back!" Evan tried to grab back his wallet, but Pietro sidestepped in a blur before chucking it into a toilet behind Evan. 

"Aw, you didn't see that coming?" He smirked before he left the changing room, leaving Evan to pick up his now foul wallet. "Yuck."

"Seems like that boy has been competing with you ever since you were babies." Ororo said as she emerged in.

"Hey auntie O. Where's dad and mom?" 

"Waiting outside; think the boys locker room makes your mother nervous." Ororo smiled as she hugged him. "You thought I'd miss my favorite nephew's big game? Not a chance." 

"Thanks again for coming auntie." Evan smiled, picking up his bag and got ready to left, though his tone wasn't as cheerful.

"Evan, are you alright?" Ororo asked as she sat down on the bench near him. "I've been concerned about you lately; you know, about the things we've discussed before." 

"Yeah, yeah, no problem Auntie O. Everything's cool." Evan shrugged it off.

"Evan I saw what happened to you out there tonight; when you fell." Ororo's tone got more serious.

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