Shock the world

94 4 14

-Inspired by {X-Impulse}-

"Goodnight, Kitty." The brunette girl gave a yawn as her mum shut off the night and went to sleep. In a few minutes, she was dreaming that she was soaring through the air, before the air began to distort and she began falling into the ground.

She awoke with a jolt, before she suddenly fell through the ground again and hit something. That was when she found herself in the family basement, and where her parents rushed in a few minutes later.

"Kitty! Were you sleepwalking again?"

"I - I dreamed that I was falling to my death. Then I woke up here. Am I - am I still dreaming?" She breathed, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"You're awake. It's alright, Kitty, it's just a bad dream." Her mum hugged her hysterical daughter, while her dad seemed to agree - until he looked up.

Stuck in the ceiling, was a blanket that was flapping in the air. The sight drove Kitty into further hysteria.

"...What am I?"


"Why are we the ones to find the new mutant?" Ororo asked as she sat in the back of the X-Van. Last night, Charles informed them of a new mutant in Deerfield and asked them to recruit her.

"The kids need to go to school, I can't keep forging prescriptions for non-existing flus." Hank replied, keeping his hands on the wheel of the X-Van. "Besides, it's their final year, don't want them having even more pressure of being a role model, do we?"

"Who are we looking for, anyway?" Ororo rolled her eyes, while Hank pulled out a holographic image of a young girl.

"Katherine Anne Pryde, sixteen year old female. Cerebro detected her last night, hence why we've been driving for long."

"What about the other one from the now collapsed foster home?"

"Lance Alvers...Charles says he'll be working on that case." Hank sighed. "Let's just hope we have some results to tell him for ours."


Deerfield High, Illinois

"Okay...stay calm, deny everything if something freaky goes on, and repeat until school's over and then doctor." Kitty muttered to herself as she walked to her locker and prepared to put away her books.

"Hey Riley, check out the pussy pity party." A girl nearby pointed at Kitty to her friend.

"Dreading P.E. I bet, probably the only class she's failing." The other snickered.

"Hey, knock it off." Kitty turned around to face them, anger brewing inside.

"Aw, pussycat's got claws." The other joked as they stepped closer. "Let's put her in a cage."

Before Kitty could call for help, the two girls knocked her into her locker before locking the door. "Well, well, world closing in on you, pussy?" They hi fived each other before walking off, laughing all the way, while a boy a couple of years older walked by, whistling to himself and spray painting the walls.

"Hey, anyone! HELP! I'M TRAPPED!" He heard a violent rattling from one of the lockers and rushed over to check it out.

"Hey, whoever is in there, don't worry, I'm going to - " He began, trying to get rid of the lock before Kitty phrased through and stumbled out into him.

"Whoa, did you just-?" He looked between her and the locker, excitement growing his face while terror grew on hers.

"I - uh - leave me alone!" Kitty took one look before running off in a panic, while the boy looked at her with a smile on his face.

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