The Love Puzzle🔞

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Chapter 20| The Love Puzzle

"How are you feeling Haechan?"

Under the dim light, the glowing skin of the beautiful male shines with no end and Mark admits that Haechan looks magical. Especially, tonight.

He passes a bottle of chocolate milk to Haechan after popping in the straw.

"Thank you," he softly replies as if he is hiding his cracking voice after a heartful cry.

Overwhelmed in multiple emotions, Mark decided that he will let Haechan cool down a bit first before he takes him home. So they walk back to the small playground and sit on the swings, without riding them this time.

"You are welcome" Mark smiles and places himself on the swing beside Haechan.



"I know that..i-it's not easy for you b-but" he struggles to continue and Mark tilts his head to show concern. His one hand reaches out to Haechan's shoulder as if he is holding on to it for him. His silence, however, really help Haechan to collect his thoughts carefully before he let them all out.

"Can I have a place in your heart?"

The tan male bites his lip while ignoring the glare from Mark. He looks down to his sneakers and unconciously brings the straw into his mouth again. He bites in down harshly, pressuring on the plastic as if it would wear away.

The unexpected confession kicks in with some guards and Mark awkwardly clears his throat. By any means, he didn't expect anything of that sort. It surely doesn't make him uncomfortable but it makes him feel conflicted. He doesn't know what the conflict is, but he wants to leave it up as it is now.


"It's okay if that's impossible. I don't put my hopes up. For now, I think you should know that I..I like you"

Haechan looks up at Mark, only because the man isn't looking back at him. He wouldn't make an eye contact at this specific time when he just brought up this subject out of nowhere. It's just the overwhelming situation that stresses him to confess and there is no regret that comes along with.



"When did you start feeling that about me?"

"Since...." childhood

"Since the first time I saw you"

"Oh!" He expresses in amusement. He clearly remembers the first time they met. It wasn't that great of the first impression they have with each other.

"That day!!" Mark is excited to be reminded about the day. "Sorry" he apologizes with a smile that makes Haechan looks up.


"I was in a bad mood that day actually. I just landed to Korea and then they threw files of new projects for me to complete..that was stressful"

"Oh...t-then I should be the one who apologize..I said mean things to you"

"No you didn't"

"I think I insulted you something about wearing sunglasses inside the building"

"You know what?" He sips on his banana milk bottle. "It was kinda funny..but for real though, you have a pretty voice"

"What do you mean?"

"You were screaming and yelling and panicking that day" haechan almost break into a smile when he remembers that Mark mentioned that to him about his voice that day as well.

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