Bruise Cream

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***'AVENGERS ASSEMBLE' Group Chat***

Bambi - hey

Bambi - what's the best bruise cream?

Capsicle - idk

Capsicle- Bruce and Bucky normally take care of that stuff

Parent Murdering Boyfriend - Arnica and aloe vera help

Parent Murdering Boyfriend - but why do you need it?

Bambi - just curious

Capsicle - if you're sure

***'Dysfunction Family' Group Chat***

Dad - Peter are you okay?

Trans Son - I'm fine

Trans Son- it's nothing

Other Dad - clearly not

Other Dad - why else would you need to know about bruise cream?

Mom - I swear if someone's hurting you, I will kick their asses

Trans Son - i'm fine

Trans Son - can you please drop it?

Dad - okay

Dad - but I'm always here for you, okay, Son?

Dad - ...

Dad - Peter?

Trans Son - shit

Trans Son - MJ Ned

Trans Son - code red

Daughter - fuck

Daughter - get your ass over here

Daughter - now

Daughter - or I will fucking drag you

Trans Son - ajgnbkibhkulfd jdf

Other Dad - tf?

Mom - I'm coming over

Son 2 - I swear to fucking god, Peter, if  you jumped out of your window again and broke something   a g a i n 

Son 2 -I will fucking murder you

Trans Son - okay

Trans Son - going to the bridge

Trans Son - my leg hurts

Trans Son - but that's okay, right?

Trans Son - normal

Daughter - share your location

Trans Son - MJ

Daughter -  s h a r e

Daughter - y o u r

Daughter - l o c a t i o n

***Trans Son has shared their location***

Trans Son - I'm going to the bridge.

The Favorite Uncle - fuck this

The Favorite Uncle - Ned, MJ

The Favorite Uncle - go to the bridge too

The Favorite Uncle - get your bikes, cap and buck

The Favorite Uncle - we're picking everybody up

The Favorite Uncle - everyone but buck, take an extra helmet

The Favorite Uncle - buck

The Favorite Uncle - get some shit from dollar store or something

The Favorite Uncle - I'll get Pep to bring us up

The Favorite Uncle - to Bruce's floor got it?

Mom - im taking my fucking knives too

Mom - but okay clint

Dad - already ready

Other Dad - omw

The Favorite Uncle - Nat, you text pep

Mom - got it

Mom - sit tight, Peter

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