what am i doing? idk

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(this has lost any semblance to a plot so ye...)

Peter panted as he ran through an office. This was a really bad idea. he finally realized. Loud screeching behind him made him freeze and drop, trying to stay hidden.

He heard a yell and recognized it as Steve's. There goes Mr. Captain Dad Sir.

Another yell, which was Tony's. Mr. Stark.

A third, Harley's. Oh shit... there goes my future boyfriend.


Peter shot up and ran again, hearing the tell-tale click-clack of heels and the cocking of a gun. He dove into a supply closet and wedged himself in the very back.

He held his breath as the door opened. "Peter~"

Suddenly, Pepper's face was in front of his. "There you are."

Peter screeched and ducked, running. "OH NO YOU DON'T!"

Peter writhed as Bucky caught him, but eventually gave up.

Pepper nodded, "Where is Shuri?"

Peter shrugged but though for a moment. His face split into a smirk and he tilted his head back before screeching, "RED ROBIN!"

A "Yum!" came from under a desk, followed shortly by screeching and Pepper running in heels.

Eventually, Steve, Tony, Harley, Peter, and Shuri were lined up in front of Bucky and Pepper. Behind the two was a black burn spot that was smoking.

(Imma leave this here

Stay Safe and Much Love


Captain Dad Sir?!Where stories live. Discover now