6: Immortality

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I wake up and the first thing I see is Hoseok's bright smile

"Goodmorning HeeYoung, I'm here to give you an injection," He says preparing a syringe with a shiny golden liquid.

"For what?" I ask rolling up my sleeve.

"It will make you immortal," He says dead serious.

"Is that even possible?" I ask with widened eyes.

"It is, just as possible as you talking with a werewolf." He chuckles. "This injection is very rare and expensive, they are made by order only. They have the purpose of making a human either leave longer or immortal, it depends on the human."

Hoseok takes a cotton ball and pours alcohol on it, he then takes my arm to start disinfecting the area, after he is done he injects me. I feel how the cold liquid goes into my body making me shiver, my vision starts to get blurry and seconds later I feel dizzy,

"Goodnight HeeYoung." Hoseok tucks me in and then everything goes black.


I wake up just in time to see a servant get in my room to bring me lunch.

"Thank you," I say shyly. "Could I ask you a favor?" I say looking down.

"Yes ma'am."

"Could you deliver dinner at the library? Please..."

"Yes ma'am." He gives me a little smile and then leaves.    

After I finish eating I go straight through the dark and deserted corridor towards the library.

I push the door with my body to get in. Once inside I see around me not knowing where to start, I walk around looking at the titles of the book vaguely until a series of books call my attention. I read the title of the first book.

Everything about werewolves I: Mates

I grab it without thinking twice, I remember Yoongi telling me that we were mated and that's why he took me with him back to his castle.

I sit on the floor leaning carefully on a shelf, I look at the first page of the book.

Written by Bang Si-hyuk in 1345

My eyes widen when I see the year. For the spider webs that were around this series of books I can only assume these books have been here that long without being touched,

I start to read. The book starts describing how it feels to find your mate and the necessity you have to claim them yours, it says most wolfs scream "mine" when they see their mate or they just stare at them for minutes...
All I know is that Yoongi did stare at me while asking for information about me. I wonder what Yoongi truly felt when he saw me. I remember as it happened yesterday, his cold gaze. I didn't see the love in his eyes, I saw hate. 

This book doesn't say anything about hating your mate, it only describes how you will feel willing to die for them.

I sigh stopping reading. This is making my heartache... am I  Yoongi's mate?  I'm so confused, 

Why does he hate me? 

I get myself together so I can continue to read. I am living with werewolves now so I better learn to understand them more.

"If a werewolf isn't happy with the mate the Moon God chose for them they can reject them, but that would also mean that the werewolf that rejects will live the rest of their days alone unless they had a real reason to reject their mate. For the rejected werewolves the Moon God will pair them with someone else.  It is very rare for a werewolf to reject their mate, some decide to accept their mate because of the consequences of rejection."

And this just makes me more confused, if Yoongi hates me and wants to govern alone then why didn't he directly reject me, I wouldn't be here, I would be happy back home with my family.

After reading more I learn that on some rare occasions werewolves can be mated to other supernatural creatures or humans.

"HeeYoung, you are going to melt your brain if you continue reading this book," James suddenly says.


"Huh?" He mocks me tilting his head to the side.

"You are not real!" 

"I am, I am here with you. You know... this part of the castle is boring, we should explore!"

"No, we shouldn't James," I say shaking my head.

"Why not? You are no fun" He pouts.

"I don't want to make Yoongi angry."

"He's just a cranky grandpa!" I laugh at his comment.

Suddenly the door opens and James disappears. I look in front of me finding the same servant as earlier. 

Once he spots me sitting on the floor he smiles and walks towards me giving me my food.

"Thank you," I say smiling back.

"No worries, once you are done you can leave the plate outside the door." He turns around and leaves.

Why am I daydreaming so much? I never daydream... or at least that's how it was before Yoongi came into my life.   

Am I slowly losing my sanity?

I don't want to know the answer, I haven't talked to anyone properly for like a month, but if I count James in my daydreams then you could say I have been talking to someone, but the thing is that he is not real.

I miss my family so much, I'm just a cry baby... what did I do to finish here? Did I do something bad to deserve to be ignored by the person who is supposed to love you unconditionally?

A tear rolls down my cheek. I put my right hand over my heart while more tears escape.

How are James, Margaret, Mom, and Dad doing right now?

How are James, Margaret, Mom, and Dad doing right now?

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