Better Days

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Taking care of a baby all by yourself is hard. I give my respect to all the single parents out there, I don't know how you do it.

Minchan doesn't like being alone. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, he'd start crying just because he's lonely.

He loves being held, especially when he's napping.

A baby his age spends most of the day asleep. Other than sleeping, he eats and I play with him for a little bit.

Each day, I try to give him at least a few minutes of "tummy time." This is what I call his playtime.

Basically, I just lay him down on the carpet on his tummy so he can try lifting his neck and turning his head. Supposedly, this helps him strengthen his neck muscles.

Last night was the first night I was at home by myself with Minchan, without Mina. It was really hard to get him to sleep when I went to bed, I think it was because he missed his mom. 

After almost an hour of trying to sing him to sleep, I remembered that he had a pacifier that he usually sleeps with. And of course, it was no where to be found.

I was this close to calling Mina, but it was late and I didn't want to wake her up. I finally found his pacifier and it did the trick.

We slept in intervals. Babies sleep a lot, but never for a long time all at once, it's only for a few hours. In between those hours, I have to feed him, change his diaper, stuff like that.

The next morning, I had some errands to run so I took Minchan on a little adventure. We were going to be out for most of the day so I packed a diaper bag and few bottles. 

I dressed Minchan in a cute little outfit to keep him warm. I had to put some mittens on him because he's been accidentally scratching himself lately. I didn't want to haul the stroller everywhere so I used the baby carrier. I made sure every thing was secure before I left.

The first thing I had to do was meet with the realtor about the house we were trying to get. I was nervous about bringing Minchan because I thought he would make a lot of noise, but he was good. He slept through the whole thing.

After that, I had to go get groceries. I had a list of what we needed on my phone.

As I walked around the market, Minchan woke up again and his eyes started exploring the place.

"A lot of new things to see, huh?" I spoke to him.

He cooed in response to my voice.

He's cute. There's no denying that. A lot of people would compliment him and ask me about him when they see him. He got more attention than I did. I wasn't covering my face or anything so I was surprised that no one seemed to recognize me.

I finished buying the groceries and loaded them into car. I buckled Minchan into the carseat and started heading to our next stop.

It started getting a little hot outside so I changed Minchan's clothes into something cooler before getting out of the car.

"Alright, back in you go, buddy." I say, strapping him back into the carrier.

We were at the post office because I had to drop off a package, it was a quick stop.

Next, I stopped somewhere to get something to eat because I was starting to get hungry.

Eating with a baby carrier on isn't very practical so I just took the carseat out. I fed Minchan and burped him before I ordered my food.

I sat down at a booth and placed him on the seat next to me, facing me.

I decided to video call Mina while I had some time.

She answers and her face appears on my screen. She had a lot of makeup on so I assumed she had a performance or photo shoot.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi, oppa. What's up?" She smiles.

"Just wanted to check in with you. What are you up to today?" I ask.

"Oh, we just finished a photo shoot. Now we're on our way to a studio for a radio show."

I nod.

"You look tired." She laughs.

"I am tired." I chuckle, "I just finished running errands. I stopped to get lunch before we went home."


I pick up my phone and point the camera at Minchan sleeping in his carrier.

"How has he been doing?" She asks.

"He's been really good today. I think he had fun running around with me."

"I bet he did." She smiles.

"He misses you, you know." I say. 

"How do you know?"

"I couldn't get him to sleep last night. I think he just missed his mom. I miss you too."

"Aww. I wish I could hug both of you right now."

"You're so lovely." I laugh at myself after hearing that come out of my mouth.

Mina laughs too.

I sigh, "Alright. I think we're gonna head home."

"Okay. Call me again later, or maybe I'll call you first."

"Okay." I nod, "I'll be waiting. See you soon, jagiya." 

"Bye, oppa. I love you~."

"Love you, too."

When we got back, I put Minchan in his crib for a nap, and then I fell asleep on the chair in his room.

Being a dad is tiring. How did I not realize this before?

Brighter Than a Spotlight (BTS Jimin x Twice Mina FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora