Bianchi Siblings

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Recap of the last chapter,
"The Mall":

Anyways, I was super excited for the beach trip!

Jayden, Issac, and, Natalie are supposed to come to our house tonight, and we're supposed to leave for the beach tomorrow morning and stay there for a week.

I looked in my drawer and picked some clothes out for Florida.

I know when Natalie got here, she would help me pack and find the perfect stuff to wear, but just to say I did it, I just packed some stuff that I knew I would wear.


Bianchi Siblings
(refer to the bottom of character list #3 to see what the Bianchi Siblings look like—Paisley's cousins)

I'm on the verge of picking up a book, and reading it right now.

Yeah, A BOOK.

I should read more, anyways.

I'm so bored, yet anxious for my cousins to get here.

Honestly, I didn't think I could ever become as bored as I was right in this moment.

Normally, I would have something to do, but I just didn't have anything to do.

I guess that's how it is when you're excited and anxious for something- nothing amuses you except what you're excited for.

Plus, Jace didn't have his phone because he got it taken, so I wouldn't be able to text him or keep up with him for a whole week probably.

He doesn't know when he'll get his phone back, so I'm hoping for the worst because if he gets his phone back sooner than what I hope for, I'll be happy.

But on another note, maybe not talking to Jace 24/7 would be a good thing.

Maybe I'll get to spend some more time with my family, especially my cousins, since we all need to catch up.

It'll be a positive thing, and I won't go crazy without texting Jace- I hope.

I'll be just fine.

And I don't know, maybe I'll make new friends and text more people rather than just him.

Although, I do still text Noah, and my lunch group, but I don't text Everleigh and Tiyla as much as I used to. But we still text and we still definitely talk.

I still have my poster up that Noah gave me and look at it everyday.

It's awesome.

Since we're off of school for a week and since Thanksgiving is almost here, everyone's families are probably in town and won't have time to even text in the first place, so that's good too.

I didn't want to go on any social media at this moment either because it was getting boring.

Once you keep refreshing your social media pages over and over, it gets kinda boring and exhausting, so I'll pass on it for right now.

Everything was just so boring and I didn't know how to handle it.

I tried thinking about things I should do to waste some time.

Maybe I should learn how to sew?

...Nah, too complicated.

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