Lost With No Memory

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It was a Saturday and harry and ginny. Were making out in her room and said I love you harry so much.I always have and will no matter what. Harry said I love you too but we can't be together after what happened to my god father  .Ginny said he didn't die in vain so stop blaming your self .Harry said me ron and hermione are leaving in a hour to kill voldermont horcrux .Ginny said I know and good but if you don't want to be with me when you come back that's ok.Harry said that's not what I meant I don't want voldermont using you  as a captor to get to me that why I am dumping you.Ginny said I know understand .Harry said I love you bye I hope I see you again.The trio left and ginny went to sleep sad but happy at the same time .

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