Back with hinny

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The next day at hogwarts harry woke up to see ginny laying on his chest he smiled.Ginny woke up and kissed him he kissed back.They talked about last year. Ginny said sorry about how his family treated him.Harry said well its over now that's important and don't be sorry  its not your faught it isn't anybody's .Ginny said I love you so much I always have and will.Harry said I too more than you know.Ginny kissed him he kissed back Harry got on top of her and looked in her eyes she nodded.Harry took her shirt off gently and took his off.Harry said we don't have to do anything. We can wait if you want.Ginny said you're absolutely right We should wait a little longer..Harry said yeah we should wait.Ginny kissed his neck and collarbone.Ginny head didn't. Anymore she got on top of him.Harry said I need you to trust me like you use to remember.I need to prove to you how much I .Ginny said you need to prove what again.Harry said how much I love you. And that I will never leave.Ginny said do you love me. A lot?Harry said yes I love you a lot you know that.Harry said if you were really dead I would have died right along with you I can't live without you.Ginny smiled at his words she bit her lip and kissed him he kissed back.I what you to show me moving her hands towards his pants.Harry said what do you mean.Ginny said I want and need you to show me how much you love me.Harry smiled and kissed her she kissed back.Ginny took his pants off and put her hand in his boxers gently he moaned in her mouth and kissed her she kissed back..Harry than got on top of her and said do you want me to stop.Ginny said no I don't want you to stop keep going.Harry said I love you so much I always have.Ginny said I love you too so much me always have.Harry took his boxers off and ginny took her robe off harry put his dick in her vagina slowly and gently not wanting to hurt her by accident there were fireworks they felt alive.Harry had never felt like this before with sabrina it was terrible.With ginny it was hard to describe but it was good and magical.Harry knew in his big heart he would never ever be able to leave her he couldn't get enough of her.When they finished he got off her and said that was so good and magical.Ginny knew he was not a virgin earlier blury .She sat up and holded  her legs up and put her head down.Harry sat up and tapped her shoulder he couldn't  see her face he said, is something wrong love?Ginny didn't answer. He said can you please talk to me you can tell me anything.Ginny sat up and looked at his eyes and said I was a virgin but you weren't were you.Harry sighed and said no I slept with Sabrina .Ginny said sorry I didn't mean to ruin the moment it doesn't matter .Harry kissed her forehead .Ginny turned her head so she looked at her feet instead of harry .Harry turned her head he then touched her cheek gently.An said it does matter but it never been like what we just happened between us.Harry said I never felt more happy and connected to anyone in my whole entire life than I felt ten minutes ago.Ginny said I haven't felt it either only with you he gave a short smile.Harry said I am really sorry it should have me any you but we can't go back in time and change that.Harry said I am here with you and I am not leaving anywhere ever .What we just did was magical and amazing. Nothing can ever change that or make us forget.Ginny said I know and that's good I didn't have to be your first at least you were mine .Harry said at least I knew what I was doing.Ginny said well that's. Good I guess.Harry said you didn't ruin. Anything at all. We have a long time to have moments like these don't worry.Harry kissed her she kissed back they went to sleep .

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