strange but ok 2 hinny

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The same night harry was moaning in his sleeping.Ginny leaned in and said its just a dream not real.Harry stopped moaning and slept the rest of the night well in ginny bed . A week later Ginny sat up and hit harry in the head with the pillow hard to wake up him up.Harry opened his eyes and said its Saturday love let me sleep and it's only 8 to soon and went back to sleep. Ginny sat at the desk and read a letter from her brother Bill. The letter said" hey sister guess what fleur is pregnant everybody knows I told everyone yesterday I will let you know the gender in person I love you.""Ginny closed the letter and hit harry with 2 pillows at the same time.Harry woke up said why did you wake me up and it's Saturday.Ginny sat next to him and said fleur is pregnant harry said that's good.Ginny said you forgot today is hermione birthday I woke you up so we could go get her presents .Harry said thanks and jumped out of the bed and got dressed.Ginny got dressed and said you ready.Harry said yeah and took Ginny hand. Later at lunch time everybody said happy birthday to Hermione ginny got her a book called T.H.E. F.A.Y.E and harry got her a friendship bracelet.Later by the tree harry said ginny please say it.Ginny said um is isn't I love you so so much harry.Harry kissed ginny deeply and said those are one of my favorites but not my top.Ginny said I trust you and believe you or harder please harry.  Harry said that my third. Favorite my first come on.Ginny said oh I know let's go fly .Harry said nicely done that is my first favorite.  

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