Surprise 01

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Well Ginny was not in a good mood .Zack and Ginny were talking and than she saw the golden trio.Ginny was just about to bat bogey hex him for the thing he pulled early this morning when Minerva Mcgonail stopped her and told her to follow her to her office .Ginny followed her and professor said that dean thomas was presumed dead and Kinsley said that he imformed you on this.did he or did he not Ginny said so what does that have to do with dean.Proffesor said I am not completely sure if you need anything let me know .Ginny said ok and went to where the trio were.Ginny said what are guys doing ?The trio said we are here to finish our owls exams.Ginny said but that's not till. Next month or too.Logan tapped ginny said we have to go to our quidditch game.Ginny said I am coming see you there bye to the trio.The match was gryffindor against slytherin and gryffindor won by 20 points.Thanks to ginny after a while the trio congratulated her .Harry could see a lot of people staring at ginny and was jelly again
Hermione said we should celebrate. Ginny said I wish I could but I have head girl stuff and homework to do .Hermione said  I will help you with that then Ginny said okay cool ginny and Hermione waved by too the boys and to ginny room .Hermione said how was that kiss with that guy Zack a few days or weeks ago.Ginny said it was ok kiss I have to admit.After too days ginny and everyone went to the village before the holidays .She went to dragon alley and couldn't really see a very hard mist made her fallout cold someone took her .Harry went to talk to lupin and nympadora about his problem.Lupin said it sounds like to can't live without ginny.Harry said even when I thought I hated her but  I actually loved her and still do.Lupin said harry potter you need to choose who you want .Harry said it's not easy to choose and life isn't fair.Nympadora got up and said HARRY JAMES POTTER. Life isn't fair .But you have to choose lupin and I had that issue a year ago remember we both know what it's like the girl lupin hurt she died with her husband and found peace .You can't have them both either way you have to choose it isn't anyone faught but you have to decide.Before later on in live you  want ginny but can't have her she had moved on choose.I wish I could tell you more harry but I am pregnant with lupin son.Harry smiled I am so happy for you both .Nympadora said thanks.And by the way did hermione and ron tell you that ginny is.missing.Harry said what I think I know where she is .Harry said thanks for the advice both of you are like second mom and dad to me I love you guys so much.Lupin and nympadora smiled and said your like family to us to we love you too try not to die okay.Harry said I won't and walked out the house.

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