golden trio back at hogarts

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The next day Ginny woke up put her robe on and stuff than shoes.Than brushed her teeth twice than put some make up on cause she couldn't sleep.So her eyes and faces really did need make up .Than went downstairs to the great hall ate breakfast than went to her first class which was with luna and neville there teacher was Madame Hooch everybody took there seats .Ginny just was starting to fall asleep when luna tapped her and whispered in her ear said look.Ginny looked and saw  the golden trio harry smiled at ginny she smiled back. Madame Hooch said the golden trio will be here to finish there school years and take exams will you and be in all of your classes than she told the golden trio to sit behind ginny ,luna and ,neville .The Golden trio walked pass and smiled at ginny.Ginny still was tired and started to fall asleep when luna tapped her again and she got up.Madame Hooch asked ginny a question when Hermione shot her hand up knowing the answer. Ginny said the answer and Madame Hooch told Mc.Gonagall to award 100 points to gryffindor even though Madame Hooch was a Ravenclaw point awarder but liked ginny a lot.Mcgonald awarded the points for Gryffindor with a small wink at ginny winked back at her. Madame Hooch said we will need 3 students to help the golden trio catch up on their work.All hands shot up in the air. Ginny and hermione rolled their eyes.Hermione saw girls staring at ron than ginny saw a girl name Parvati. Patil hand up who was the same age as harry and a gryffindor. Ron and Hermione kissed on the lips which made them look away.Madame Hooch said that Parvati patil would help ron.Than said Zack would help Hermione.An PELINA would help harry. Ginny looked wide awake and slight angry.At the end of the class ginny said hello handsome and harry said ginny did you miss me cause I missed you a lot and why do you have make up on you look beautiful without it you know that right.Ginny said I know I look good without make up its just I haven't been able to sleep I keep waking up and yes I missed you too.Harry said what happens in your dream .Ginny said it's about you know who uses the killing curse on me and he made you watch and yes I know him and his son is dead.Harry hugged ginny tight and kissed her softly on her lips. Ron and Hermione watched than ginny pulled away and said come on guys we need to get to class like now.ginny left them hanging and shocked the golden trio followed her to there next class. Where the golden trio on the other side of the room and saw ginny talking to Zack.

I will write more soon and we all don't need make up we are beautiful without it. I hope you know that.and ginny doesn't need make up she looks good  without it  .

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