Chapter 5: Oh... I'll Show You How To Fight.

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Chapter 5: Oh... I'll Show You How To Fight.

*Kate's POV*

I believe I may have impaired Kevin's reproductive organ for life. Oh well. A guy like that doesn't deserve to have kids. Liam seemed pleased and Adrian just plain shocked. I couldn't help it. I laughed. "Relax, Adrian. Your balls are safe... for now," I said. His eyes widened in alarm. "Dude, she's kidding," Ryan said with a laugh of his own. I turned towards Lydia who seemed to be comforting a girl. "Hey! You okay?" I asked her while scanning her over to make sure she was okay.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you," she said. She was petite. With her blonde hair, green eyes and oval face, she looked nearly angelic.

"What's your name? And what year are you in?" I asked her, a small smile on my lips.

"My name is Cecilia. I'm a sophomore," she said softly.

"Dump him, Cecilia. He ain't worth it. What do you think about hanging out with us tomorrow?" I asked her, giving her a huge grin. Her eyes widened in surprise as she nodded. "Cool. Do you need a ride home?" I asked. She looked like she was about to pee her pants. Am I that intimidating?

"No, my mom's on her way," she said so softly that I had to strain my ear to hear her.

"We'll wait, Kate. You and Ryan have to go get Kyla," Liam said as he stood near Lydia. I nodded and looked at Ryan. "Adrian's coming with me. We're planning to play some vids," Ryan said. "No call with Kyla around. I don't want to have to wash her mouth with soap," I said, sighing. Great! I have to be with him for longer.

"Who'll wash your mouth, Kate?" Adrian asked, smirking.

"I never said I wasn't a hypocrite, Jack. Now can it! By the way, we're invited to Adam's party tomorrow. Have costumes." I said, turning to get my bike as Ryan and Adrian got in Ryan's car. They headed towards Kyla's school. A second later I was behind them, on my bike. You see, I had work on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. And on those days, Ryan was Kyla's babysitter since mom always double-shifted at the hospital. She was a nurse, and though it was a noble job and all, the pay was shit. It was the reason why I started drag racing in the first place. The money was a requirement. When I got my job, I reduced the number of days I raced. Now with mom's job, mine and the racing, which my mom doesn't know about, we were able to pull off a decent middle class lifestyle. Honestly, I thought my mom worked too hard, but she's a stubborn one. If she didn't ease up on her work, she'd probably fall sick.

We pulled up against the gates of the elementary school. I quickly hopped off and ran in to find my baby sister. Ryan and Adrian were right behind me. A large number of small children were running to their moms and dads and older siblings. I kept my eyes peeled for my four year old sweetheart, her bouncing blonde hair and her beautiful green eyes. "Kawie!" A little voice shouted. I immediately got down on my knees and opened my arms as my super cute baby sister, Kyla, bounded straight into my arms. "Hey princess!" I said, lifting Kyla off the ground and giving her a kiss on the cheek. She leaned in and gave me a kiss of her own. Ryan and Adrian stood by me and smiled at the little toddler in my arms.
"Kawie, can I awk you somewing?" Kyla asked, her innocent green eyes staring up at me. It was the feature we both got from our dad: our eyes. "Sure princess. Tell me," I said, smiling at her

"My friend Emily was awking me why my daddy didn'w come wo pick me up fwom school? I wold hiw I would awk you," she said looking at me, her eyes wide and curious. My heart clenched as Ryan moved to stand beside me, a hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could feel Adrian's curious eyes on me. I opened my eyes and looked at Kyla. "You see, princess, remember the priest in church told us God loves us?" I asked her. She nodded her head, making her blonde curls bounce up and down. "Well, God loved our daddy more than anyone else, so he took daddy away from us so he could have fun with daddy." A gasp of realization reached my ears. Ignoring Adrian, I continued, "And you know what? Daddy is an angel now," I smiled at her. Her eyes sparkled as she grinned at me.

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